NBN (The other one)

lol im confused already:confused:


Meanwhile in Melbourne, there’s still no estimate for getting nbn via HFC, other then “check back for an update in February”. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You already on HFC?

Looks like a small part of our area is now listed as FTTN with a RFS of July to December 2019 :wink:

I have ADSL and get 30mbps

Must be lucky (and very close to the exchange!)

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That’s a surprise!?

I thought the maximum anyone could get was about 24 Mbps.

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Is it a bonded service?

Speedtest told me 30mbps this afternoon. Not sure if that’s reliable, but I’ve definitely had decent download speeds for at least a year.

Not NBN yet either. HFC was available and then withdrawn.

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No idea what that means.

Where you combine two ADSL services together for double the speed. I only asked because you’re getting above ADSL’s theoretical maximum!

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Hmm, I’ll have to check. I was definitely on ADSL2+ or whatever when we moved in but when I was overseas last year I came back to a new modem. Perhaps Telstra did some upgrades?

Does HFC without NBN exist?

This evening at 10pm

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Yeah, going to be interesting to see how it works out and how they can simplify the understanding of it. Essentially, you choose how much you want to pay and what kind of service you want to receive - one with absolutely no congestion, some congestion or lots of congestion.

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Looks like you might have been transferred to cable using the Foxtel HFC cable. If this is the case, your modem will have a tv-antenna type cable (but with a screw connection) rather than a phone cable in the back.

Upload sucks but the download is heavenly. Telstra Cable.


Yes. I’m writing this post right now via Optus HFC (Telstra HFC is also available in this area too :stuck_out_tongue: )

No, Telstra kindly connected me to ADSL, even though I know the HFC cable runs down the street.

The HFC NBN rollout is being rolled out over Telstra and Optus’ old Cable networks (which carried Foxtel/Optus TV and cable internet) which were installed in the 1990s. So if you remember Foxtel/Optus Cable and Cable Internet being advertised years back, that’s essentially HFC.

Late in the 1990s-2000s, Telstra and Optus basically realised that it was much cheaper to provide TV over satellite and internet via ADSL (as it didn’t involve installing and maintaining more expensive infrastructure in the ground). So they just stopped the rollout. This abandonment of the cable rollout by the two major telcos is one of the main reasons why the internet is so shit in this country.

So all that’s happening is that NBN is converting the existing cable network to allow multiple providers to use it, instead of people being locked into the cable provider’s internet.

I’m still getting the “More info on Feburary 2018” message.


If that’s the case, why am I waiting years for some switch to be pulled and some redirecting to be in place that then says you’re on the NBN.

Bloody Malcolm.