NBN News

@PointJules CPM (cost per thousand viewers) is about 15% less in regional markets than metro markets. I’d imagine NBN falls in line with that That’s the number that I’ve heard thrown around more than once. I’ve read the same in trade mags. So I take it to be that more or less. Some advertisers actually advertise more in regional areas as they feel they get more bang for buck and see it as a 15% discount to reach the same amount of people.


Newcastle bulletins from last week







If memory serves me right 9 Darwin used to air 15 minutes of local sports and weather in addition to a 1 news story on weekends incorporated in the 9 news Sydney bulletin. Maybe that’s what NBN Television may have in mind for the weekends.


If NBN News were to ever cease weekend editions (of course, it goes without saying that I hope this never happens), I reckon they’d just run the Saturday & Sunday night editions of Nine News Sydney in their entirety as the case is in Southern NSW/ACT.


Or get the Newcastle presenters like Jane and Kate to do a NSW regional bulletin to air in NNSW and SNSW.


Now that’s an even better idea, so viewers across NSW & ACT are more likely to receive an appropriate regional perspective on the news rather than TCN’s naturally Sydney-centric one.


Not to mention that Canberra would have a local weekend news bulletin on commercial TV for the first time since Capital axed theirs in February 1995, just after Southern Cross took over the station from Charles Curran.


yeah, is there any suggestion they’d do anything else?

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The risk might be that it becomes more Newcastle centric than Sydney centric, as Northern NSW viewers are still consistently served up Newcastle news items almost every night.

At least Sydney is the state’s capital city, and ten times the size of Newcastle.

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There has been not a word said or hinted at from NBN or Nine that NBN News will
Move to Sydney or axe local editions. It’s all doom and gloom media spy speculation. Of course it could happen - but there is actually zero evidence to support it.

NBN News out rates Adelaide and Perth News 2 to 1. It’s double. Even the Newcastle market alone rates higher than Adelaide. And on weekends it’s even bigger. It’s their #2 show behind Married.

Yes they could take a huge risk and move it to Sydney. But it’s a huge market and we’ve seen no indication at all.

Time will tell…

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This is why I thought they might.

1 - sold studios over a year ago but asked for rental until July 2020
2 - Nine’s North Sydney studios are/were due to be ready by June 2020.
3 - there’s plenty of available space in Newcastle for a new office and studios - why haven’t they bought and moved yet?

I could be wrong but it just adds up on my mind that they’re waiting to go to North Sydney.


Based on that it could all happen


Monday bulletin, where Gavin did a live cross for Surfest:

And Sport sponsor billboard, in the montage:


I didn’t catch NBN News tonight but did they do anything for the stations 58th birthday?

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I highly doubt it.

The next major birthday for NBN/NBN News will be in 2022, so there might be something celebratory from the station then…if the news service hasn’t been rebranded/streamlined into Nine’s wider regional news operations within the next two years.


Nothing so it seems has a look via VAST. No mention in the Hunter/Newcastle bulletin… goes to say wouldn’t be mentioned in any other region also.


Last night:


No mention of any changes at the end of NBN News tonight, just “that’s the latest NBN News”, no mention of the late bulletin or even The Today Show like they usually do.


I can confirm that talks were ongoing but no decision had been made earlier - but I believe they are running network schedule 24x7 for at least a month.


Is NBN News rested too? Or are they still on air?

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