NBN News

I mean when we moved buildings in 2016 they moved all our old gear out of the department upstairs to the new office. Nothing new till this year. Just my situation. But could be any number of reasons why they can’t export in a decent quality.

Idk why NBN are splitting Newcastle and Central Coast weather they are so close to each other and the Central Coast weather forecast is so small that’s it’s funny. Like so many people on the CC would watch the Sydney stations anyways I don’t get the point.

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If Nine wanted to be cheap they could run the same feed for Newcastle and the Central Coast and just share the ads with Newcastle and Central Coast businesses. Some CC business already have ads on the Newcastle feed anyways.


The Central Coast is one of NBN’s designated local content areas, whereas it isn’t for WIN/Prime, so they need to do those local news/weather windows to meet that.

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It’s about 100km from Gosford to Newcastle. Further than Wollongong is to Sydney, so it’s not THAT close.

Yeah true I was down in Newcastle a couple of weeks ago for Christmas I was watching NBN News they had the weather Combined for Newcastle and the Central Coast I think they split it on the weekends which I find pointless cause a good portion of residents on the northern end of the Central Coast get their tv signal from Mt Sugarloaf as it comes in better than the Central Coast translators in some areas so they’d be missing out on Central Coast weather on the weekends if they are watching NBN.

The weird part is that it’s only normally split on the weekends, weeknights it’s usually a combined Newcastle-Central Coast report (same one aired in both regions).


Promos for Gavin and Tash now airing. Here in Newcastle the tag is “Your ONLY Local News.”

Also fewer issues in recent days but sport last night was mostly out of sync.

Also noticed sometimes the pre-recorded segments (or they appear to be pre recorded) start a second too early and come over the top of the sign off.


I’ve noticed there is a no delay between the end of the package and when Jane starts talking.

They must give her an early que to start reading the next story halfway through the previous signoff?

Previously there was an awkward delay

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Which isn’t quite true… should be “Your Only Local News BULLETIN”.

Here is the promo:


There is another version of the promo running


No audio coming from Honeysuckle now

Made the Djokovic breaking news seem a bit “interesting”


Management need to be held to account. This can’t go on.
Jenny Webber and Darius Winterfield we are looking at you.

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Also someone’s phone was too close to a mic or audio cable… the digital phone transmission could be heard over the air


It’s frustrating because for the most part these last couple of weeks have been reasonably good.


Jane not cued before weather.


At this rate will NBN News be around much longer?