Movies on TV

What loophole? At least they are clearly distinguishing the two parts (being transparent), better than trying to hide.

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It kind of seems like a loophole to me. If you look at the scenario where kids start watching a movie that is suitable for them (with supervision) then half way through, the rest of the program isn’t. Are we expecting them to stop watching because there is an ad break with a Part 2 banner? It seems to at least go against the spirit of the classification regulations that are there to try to help parents and others decide on suitable content. The parent sees the classification advice at the start of the movie and would be entitled to expect that to describe the whole program. It seems unreasonable to expect them to have to look out for an “intermission”.


Exactly. Couldn’t have worded better.

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Easily fixed by a slide in between, “The second half of this movie deals with…”.


Can you please elaborate on that?

Rather than just a graphic in the corner of the screen, they should have a full screen slide with V/O (so distracted parents notice).


Got cha :+1: They’ll never do that though, not since the 2015 Code change took away the stipulation of full acreen and V/O classification warnings.

Networks hate the ACMA and do anything to barely meet the guidelines. 10’s ones are barely "“prominent and legible”

Dumb and Dumber back on Seven (some TV guides claim it’s a ‘premiere’ which it’s incorrect):

Dumb and Dumber on Seven in 2002:


Modern UA (MGM) cover-up on an old movie on 9Gem The Mechanic

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Captain America: The First Avenger was broadcast on Seven two nights ago.


The first number of years of Marvel (“Cinematic Universe”) movies were handled by Paramount, before being bought by Disney. Yet kept the original logo openings.

Remember when 10 used to have rights to the early ones (before losing them to Seven under then Disney exclusivity).

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It feels like Seven air this and “The Day After Tomorrow” every second week!


Man 7mate promo endtags are starting to feel a little bit “outdated”…

Networks use the same filed promos, some have been running for many years now, just changing the channel, day and time graphics

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FTA premiere, from Nine’s deal with NBC-U.

Telemovie from 2010 starring Richard Roxburgh and Asher Keddie before that years infamous election with Gillard knifing Rudd and then Labor winning with independents after hung parliament.


From a review in 2010.

“First time on 7mate” (had a graphic saying that too) Marvel’s Fantastic 4

Remake-reboot-sequel of the 2005 film.


Walt Disney’s original Mary Poppins on Nine

Unfortunate that clearly no network was licensed over summer when the remake had its theatrical run, but glad someone can finally air it.


I also notice 9GO! is showing Disney’s 1940 classic Fantasia next week (Friday May 31 I think). It’s the first time a Mickey Mouse movie airs on Nine Network.