I have taken another crack at the Seven presenting team.
I have added in some hypotheticals to make it more interesting, for instance Natalie Barr relocating to Perth to replace Susannah Carr, Sam Armytage leaving Sunrise, David Brown being relocated to Adelaide, Nathan Templeton relocating to Sydney to present Sunrise sport, amongst others.
Seven Early News
Presented by Angela Cox.
Ange will present this bulletin, read the news on Sunrise, and news updates on The Morning Show.
Co-hosted by Monique Wright, alongside David Koch (Mon-Thu) and Matt Doran (Fri). News presented by Angela Cox. Sport presented by Nathan Templeton. Weather presented by Sam Mac. Entertainment is presented by Edwina Bartholomew.
Monique seemed like the obvious choice as co-host since I have Nat relocating to Perth and Sam leaving Sunrise. Kochie to work four days as usual now, covered by Matt on the Fridays. Angela Cox and Nathan Templeton join the Sunrise team in News and Sport respectively. David Woiwod and Laurel Irving will become the two primary Sunrise correspondents in Melbourne because of Nathan’s departure.
The Morning Show
Presented by Larry Emdur and Sally Bowrey (Mon-Tue) and Kylie Gillies (Wed-Fri). News Updates are presented by Angela Cox, backing it up from Sunrise.
I have Kylie co-hosting Weekend Sunrise, so I decided to go with Sally Bowrey to fill-in for her 2 days a week on TMS, I think Sally is great in these sort of shows and has good chemistry with Larry.
Seven Morning News
News is presented by Ann Sanders (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri) and Sally Bowrey (Wed). Sport is presented by Mark Beretta (Mon-Thu) and Jacqueline Felgate (Fri). Weather is presented by David Brown.
I have changed the news presenting roster on the Morning News & Sydney Afternoon News slightly, since Sally Bowrey’s days off would be Thursday and Friday, and since she’d already be doing The Morning Show on a Monday and Tuesday, I gave her Wednesdays to present. David Brown will present weather from the Adelaide studios and Jacqueline Felgate presenting sport on a Friday from Melbourne. Mark Beretta will still get national exposure by presenting sport on the Morning News 4 days a week.
Seven News at 4
National bulletin (Melbourne & Adelaide)
News is presented by Jacqueline Felgate (Mon & Fri) and Mike Amor (Tue-Thu). Sport is presented by Sean Sowerby (Mon-Thu) and Andrew McCormack (Fri). Weather is presented by Jane Bunn (Mon-Thu) and Melina Sarris (Fri)
News is presented by Ann Sanders (Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri) and Sally Bowrey (Wed). Sport is presented by Mark Beretta (Mon-Thu) and Mel McLaughlin (Fri). Weather is presented by Sally Bowrey (Mon-Wed) and Angie Asimus (Thu-Fri).
News is presented by Kendall Gilding. Sport is presented by Shane Webcke (Mon-Wed) and Pat Welsh (Thu-Fri). Weather is presented by Tony Auden (Mon-Thu) and Paul Burt (Fri).
News and Weather are presented by Samantha Jolly (Mon-Thu) and Amelia Broun (Fri). Sport is presented by Basil Zempilas.
Seven News
Sunday-Thursday: News with Mark Ferguson, Sport with Mark Beretta, and Weather with Sally Bowrey (Sun-Wed) and Angie Asimus (Thu)
Friday-Saturday: News with Michael Usher, Sport with Mel McLaughlin, and Weather with Angie Asimus
With David Brown relocating to Adelaide, Sally Bowrey will present Sydney’s weather from Sunday to Wednesday and Angie Asimus from Thursday to Saturday.
Sunday-Thursday: News with Peter Mitchell, Sport with Tim Watson, and Weather with Jane Bunn
Friday-Saturday: News with Mike Amor, Sport with Jacqueline Felgate, and Weather with Melina Sarris
Monday-Friday: News with Sharyn Ghidella & Max Futcher, Sport with Shane Webcke (Mon-Wed) and Pat Welsh (Thu-Fri), and Weather with Tony Auden (Mon-Thu) and Paul Burt (Fri)
Saturday-Sunday: News with Katrina Blowers, Sport with Pat Welsh (Sat) and Shane Webcke (Sun), and Weather with Paul Burt (Sat) and Tony Auden (Sun)
Monday-Friday: News with Jane Doyle, Sport with Mark Soderstrom, and Weather with David Brown
Saturday-Sunday: News with Rosanna Mangiarelli, Sport with Bruce Abernethy, and Weather with Amelia Mulcahy
Amelia Mulcahy shifts to Saturday and Sunday weather to make room for David Brown on weeknights
Monday-Friday: News with Natalie Barr & Rick Ardon, Sport with Basil Zempilas, and Weather with Samantha Jolly (Mon-Thu) and Amelia Broun (Fri)
Saturday-Sunday: News and Weather with Angela Tsun & Tim McMillan, and Sport with Adrian Barich
The Latest: Seven News
Presented by Melissa Doyle (Mon) and Michael Usher (Tue-Thu)
Weekend Sunrise
Co-hosted by Matt Doran and Kylie Gillies. News is presented by Sally Bowrey. Sport is presented by Simon Reeve. Weather is presented by James Tobin.
Seven News at 5
News and Weather are presented by Angie Asimus. Sport is presented by Mel McLaughlin (Sat) and Mark Beretta (Sun).