Missing Members

I remember having this thread in the old forum.

Does anyone know what happened to @MarkHD ? Hasn’t posted in ages…


Has always been at and is still here:

Hi Sammy, still around reading but completely and utterly flat out with personal care (carer for mum and nan, who are both on the NDIS) and a bit of extra radio work on the side now with SCA, plus trying to get our old website moving again after a few years away. That will take a bit of time to get up and moving again.

Thanks for the thoughts though - I am still here but just reading off Discourse mobile mostly while out and about.



Can I ask what that forum is? It almost looks like MediaSpy

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we used to run Vbulletin but it’s not really a “2017” site if you know what I mean. We looked around and had no real choice other than Discourse. We looked at discourse in late 2015, around the same time Mediaspy were looking at it.

We’re planning on skinning it soon and moving things around more, to better reflect where we want it to be.


Good to see you’re still around :slight_smile:

Ah yeah, I should’ve been clearer haha, what is the purpose of the forum?

Not being rude just genuinely curious

many many moons ago, around 2002?ish, the owner of auspaytv.com, Peter, got very sick very suddenly and couldn’t keep his site going. He asked me and another member to take over, but we couldn’t get the website etc transferred to us before he got gravely ill. So we set ours up primarily back then to cover pay tv as well as evolving technology.

When I got sick a few years ago it went to the backburner, but we decided to keep it going on Vbulletin and sit until I could get the time to get it back up and running. About the same time MS looked at Discourse we also were looking at it and kept it on the backburner until we were ready to start it back up.

It will always primarily be about pay-tv and tech, but we do keep it more as a “news” site and aggregator than here, which is more a discussion site. I’d go mad if I had so many people having so many topics of conversation going at any one time.


Is @Cigarettes-n-alcohol still around?

I always enjoyed his/her posts on the old MediaSpy site about DXing and music.

Well it looks like ‘Evo’ (who was a regular on the old forums and suddenly stopped posting a while ago) has finally posted a video on his ‘Televite’ channel.

Seven News Sydney - Opening (02.07.15)


Ahh yes, I distinctively remember Evulant/Evo/Televite.

I wonder what SydneyOnAirTV (AKA, one of Media Spy’s best mockers in recent years) has been up to lately? We haven’t heard from that user in a while now!


Heh, I remember the drama caused when he uploaded SD recordings of news bulletins spruiking them as HD. Good times.

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Ah yes… Evulant.

Who posted so many videos :roll_eyes:

Mod: delete my post


Can’t you guys just delete your own posts? :roll_eyes:

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@Salty hasn’t been around for a while. Hope all is good with him.

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In the Word Association Game thread, he announced that last weekend was going to be his last week playing.

It sounded ominous so I sent him a message but he didn’t reply. Not sure what to make of it. :worried:

Strange. He hasn’t been on or posted since April 8.

Yes he told me in a PM a couple of weeks ago that he won’t be posting for a while as he’ll be away from the computer.

Sad to see he won’t be around. Good sass game was recently on point.


He sadly won’t be back.