Metro Radio Ratings - Survey 1, 2023

Thats because Double J is designed to appeal to people who have listened to Triple J in the past but feel they’ve outgrown it - the music selections are similar (but broader in the age of the music) and a lot of the talent is either ex-Triple J or have had some considerable association with them in the past

I like Double J - it appeals to me as a former listener of JJJ and it would be great (from my perspective) if it was available regionally on the dial, but I’m not sure that it should be as it simply entrenches the current situation in many regional areas of the radio airwaves being filled with basically more of the same.

The lack of true-national radio options is a travesty in this country, especially when there are only two options for nationally available music and they both have quite a narrow appeal.


I actually agree with that - BBC R2 type station would be miles better , but we have to keep our feet on the ground and realise the ABC will never launch a R2 format station.

I think Double J on FM would rate much higher than RN, even though it is still a niche sounded station. However, given the limited music options available to regional Australia on FM radio, Double J would be a welcome addition to the airwaves, especially in places like Wollongong, GC, Sunshine Coast, Newcastle, Central Coast, Albury, Coffs Harbour, Tamworth and other similar sized regional centres.

The ABC have all but given up on a regional DAB rollout, which is really disappointing, so making better use of FM, is the only option to provide more music formats to the regions.


As much as I’d love to see Double J replacing RN in regional Australia, I suspect we are going to see some serious lobbying from the likes of SCA to try and stop this from occurring.

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Of course they will, but RN rating low with a diminishing audience is hardly a good use of FM spectrum in the regions. The ABC should replace it with a music format station targeting over 30s - Double J would be the best option IMO, in the absence of a regional DAB or should I say, DRM, rollout.



  • Ignoring the COVID years of 2020 and 2021, ABC Radio Melbourne has been on the decline since 2013/2014. The outcome of Survey 1 2023 is not that surprising and consistent with the gradual decline. I am dubious as to whether having Charlie Pickering on Fridays will arrest or exacerbate the decline.
  • The loss of Red Symons has clearly hurt the station, even taking into account the gradual reduction in ratings in 2016 and 2017. In 2017, breakfast still outrated the station by 2.9, whereas Sammy J in 2022 managed only 1.6.
  • Clearly there is a link between the host and the style. Gimmicks like the sound of making a coffee for an on-air caller, can sound tedious to some after overuse. Other factors such as the daily acknowledgement of respect for elders that is announced at 5.30 (without an equivalent for anyone else), may put off some potential listeners (as listeners may conclude this station is not for me). In other words, it is not one thing, it is “the package”.
  • In terms of referring to the frequency of 774 (which I believe ceased around 2017), the COVID uplift in 2020/2021 shows people can find the station, however I suspect these were mainly previous listeners. IMHO when promoting the station to new potential listeners, frequency would help. Years ago, cross promotion by ABCTV to attract new listeners would be one option, however with the decline of FTA, this is probably has diminished significantly in value. In other words, if ABC Radio Melbourne wants new listeners, it needs to promote itself to the non-converted and that will require highlighting its frequency, relevance and dollars.

yawwwwn. If a 10 second read at 5:30 makes your clutch your pearls and think of Andrew Bolt, you’ve been listening listening to the dinosaurs at 3AW for decades.


No it doesn’t. I usually isten to ABC Radio Melbourne and Gold104.3 3AW and Andrew Bolt are not my cuppa. But i still think it is a valid point in considering the trends on ABC Radio Melbourne’s ratings.


10 posts were merged into an existing topic: ABC Local Radio

A bit late to the party and haven’t regularly followed this space for a while, however I’m stunned by a lot of the changes from say 5 years ago, what’s going on in Sydney at 2GB (and I thought Jim Wilson was removed with higher) and ABC wow. While Kyle and Jackie O, unbelievable, definitely silencing those haters, regardless of what you think of the duo and show. And Gold seems to have boomed since Christian and Afternoons (along with a few other FMs during the typical working day with tradies and truckies etc), but I recall Denis Walter in the timelsot being No. 1 outright plenty of times, but overall an amazing result for AW.


I’ve moved the discussion about ABC Radio from today to the Local Radio thread → ABC Local Radio