MasterChef Australia

Sensible decision not to air MasterChef this week.

I think the first episode (whenever it will be shown) will be edited to include a tribute to Jock.

@Sully you may also remember that Jock hosted one season of Restaurant Revolution for Seven in 2015.


By via video message from Andy and Mel.

Jock was one of the ingredients to a recipe for smash hit success in 2020 (start of COVID), when they debuted these new judges and brought back former popular contestants, leading to almost every episode bucking current trends and doing 1m+ metro in overnight ratings, as 10 dominated that quarter.


So heartbreaking. RIP Jock :purple_heart:


In the very early seasons they did that. In more recent years the show usually wrapped up filming a few weeks after it started airing. This season is different because it is a slightly shorter with less contestants, so it’s seems like they’ve wrapped it up. It wouldn’t surprise me too if they’ve jumped straight into filming the desserts season now.

It’s going to be a weird feeling watching the entire season knowing that he’s died. Also will be interesting as to how much of a farewell / tribute do they put in the season. Episode 1 they might just want to make a recognition of it and leave a full montage until the finale (his final ever episode)? Who knows. It’s a very sad situation and I’m sure Ten will put a lot of thought into whatever direction they take on it.


News Update


This shocking news has affected all of us. Just a reminder, if anyone is having difficulties dealing with this or any other personal issues both Lifeline and Beyond Blue are available 24/7 on the numbers below.

Lifeline - 13 11 14.
Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636.



I know this sounds extreme but is there any chance Ten decide to scrap the upcoming season? It would create a massive programming gap, but as others have said, it’s somewhat disrespectful and going to be a strange feeling to have seen Jock on the show each night knowing he’s passed away.

I doubt they would do this. If anything, it would be a fitting tribute to have him doing what he loves as his final send-off.
I’d also think it will now receive a ratings boost once/if it does air.


I suspect they’ll talk to the family once they’ve had a few days to let the news sink in.
10 would know their programming schedule is the least of the family’s worries right now.

I don’t think it’s disrespectful necessarily.


I was wondering if they’d have to go through each episode to check that nothing was said that may now be found inappropriate. It may be something that was completely innocuous when it was said, but in light of today’s news could now be seen as disrespectful, hurtful or triggering.


That’s where I disagree. Disrespectful would have been to air it tonight when the news has just broken and the circumstances of his death aren’t completely known. So Ten have done the right thing to pause it this week.

However you could look at the season eventually airing as celebrating some of the last month’s his life and it would be a shame to just archive that away.


I haven’t seen anyone here say it would be disrespectful. I don’t see how it would be. The week off is the respectful thing to do.

Endemol can try but not matter what, no doubt that someone will find issue with something .


Just shocking news… feel very sad :frowning:
RIP Jock. Taken too young.


What would happen if the family decides they don’t want 10 to show this year’s season? because if it was me i wouldn’t want them to show the season

Jock loved this show very much. He cared about the crew and the contestants even before he was announced as a judge.

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As everyone else has said, thoroughly shocked and way keen on the new season tonight. RIP.

Goes to say that a timely reminder to check up on those close to you


Could they push back to Q3 or Q4? Maybe something else in the can or a few smaller things?

I reckon they will give it a 2 week delay. Just to give everyone’s space and grieving.