It looks like one of those band I, II and III antennas built to be able to be used anywhere fringe, able to cover FM as well as channels 3, 4 and 5 (and 5a).
Some long distance reception from 1966. ATV0’s The Magic Circle Club is something of a hit with New Zealanders but not because it’s showing on any local station. It seems it’s making its way across the Tasman due to some long distance reception
Conversely, I have lost reception of the local Newcastle channels tonight due to the ducting from Wollongong, but thankfully the Sydney signals have been rock solid and totally pixelation free.
That’s how I found out that I can get Newcastle TV tonight.
When I first switched my bedroom TV on just before 6pm, I couldn’t get any TV signals from Wollongong, which I normally do through my rotatable antenna which my bedroom TV is connected to. After checking the TV on the other bedroom that is connected to the main VHF/UHF antenna aimed towards Sydney & got a bit of Nine Newcastle through it, I turned the antenna around & sure enough, I got Nine Newcastle on my bedroom TV, just in time to see the NBN News opener!
I don’t have an alternate external antenna option due to being in an apartment building (the Sydney channels are being received in a pair of rabbit ears, which is possible due to my elevation and line of sight to the south).
I am too close to the local Mt Sugarloaf blowtorch (17 kms away) to be able to null out the Newcastle signals to be able to scan in the Wollongong signals.
Have not had Wollongong tv here at Stanhope Gardens since about 6pm completely wiped out by Newcastle. Even Sydney tv signals are enhanced with Channel 7 overloading and reducing the C/N.
I’m getting WIN Illawarra on UHF-48 here in Sydney, which could be from Bowral, Mt Keira or Stanwell Park. My guess would be Bowral, given how low power the other two are.
I’m just out of Renmark S.A. Earlier this year I had VHF stations come in from Crafers S.A (Adelaide Hills) which is a fair distance, some of the stations were crystal clear (lasted for a few hours) and some were slightly pixelated. A month or two later the SEVEN stations came back into range but were slightly pixelated but still watchable, and just under a month after that the SEVEN stations came back into range but was severely pixelated and unwatchable. Later on in the year some VHF stations from Mildura came into range but was only very brief, signal wasn’t quite strong enough for a picture