Letters and Numbers

Season 3? Probably - there is mention at the start of the show that Lily is “still somehow eight months pregnant”.


And even with her pregnant they still haven’t given her a letters and numbers board at an appropriate height - that looks so awkward.

Surprised it keeps going but TBH surprised they’ve not recommissioned the daytime show if there is enough interest to keep the celebrity version going. The first incarnation worked well enough and I believe stuck around in reruns for quite some time too.

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It’s still repeated now at 5.30pm weeknights.


Thought it might be. Yes, repeats may be cheaper than new episodes in the short term but in the long term produce a couple hundred more episodes and they can then be in repeat for the next decade.

The remaining episodes will be available on SBS on Demand at 4pm AEDT today.


It’s rare for SBS to bump a show due to low ratings. But this must have been disastrously low. Wrong timeslot, against the powerhouse of reality shows on Seven, Nine and Ten. Also, the show just isn’t the greatest. Either bring back the original (and rotate it between Mastermind), or if they persist with a Celebrity Version, have the contestants in pairs like the UK version.

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Unfortunately it just wasn’t funny. At all. The UK one is absolutely hilarious

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I gave up on it after the first season. It became really tedious viewing. It was originally on a Saturday night which has very little competition.

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