Letters and Numbers

Not sure what Bridie’s role is next to David , she’s not a contestant is she really necessary?

Suren seemed that every time he said something he kept saying “like” which was a little annoying , I had subtitles on.

I’m assuming Merrick was joking about the crane crashing into a building or it was bad joke.

Apart from that I liked it and will keep watching, the new host seems to work well with Lily and David. Just got to get used to some of the cheesy comedian jokes.

It follows the format. They have a guest assisting the adjudicator/lexicographer on 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown.


I think the show has a lot of potential, even if some of the banter and jokes fell flat tonight. Tonight’s episode was definitely enjoyable and I hope it only gets better from here.


You could tell Michael Hing was really nervous at the start especially with the way he kept tapping his cue cards on the desk. The initial chats felt awkward but I’m sure they’ll get better at these.

There were also some very tight shots. It looked better when they pulled the camera back from the individuals so you could see their arms. And maybe that desk is too big and it looks like some of them are hiding behind it. Maybe they need to raise the chairs up.

Also, not sure about three separate players vs the two teams of two we see on 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown. Maybe that works better because they have to work as a team and gives them more material.

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Episode 2: 9 October at 7:30pm

Celebrity contestants Aaron Chen, Alex Lee, Matt Okine and special Dictionary Corner guest Carlo Ritchie.


Susie Youssef will be on two shows next Saturday (October 16): Making It on 10 at 6pm, then on Celebrity Letters and Numbers as one of the contestants.


Episode 3: 16 October at 7:30pm

Hosted by Michael Hing and featuring wordsmith David Astle and numbers expert Lily Serna, joined by celebrity contestants Susie Youssef, Dane Simpson, Hamish Blake and special Dictionary Corner guest Adam Richard.


Quite a good episode tonight.

Having watched tonight’s episode I feel like the dynamic is much better between the more established comedians and personalities whereas the first episode felt very ‘green’ with the new and upcoming (and thus not very well known) talents along with Merrick Watts.

I think Michael Hing could tone it down a little. He always seems to be yelling out and some of his antics seems to be very put on and artificial. Also wouldn’t mind them adopting a team format with two team captains and one player on each team ala 8 Out of 10 Cats does Countdown.

Otherwise, not bad. Great to have this back and love the use of the Countdown theme. Would be nice if they could get back to a regular edition during the week and air it at 5.30 with Mastermind at 6. Would be a good combo of first-run game shows.


I think a team format would work better too, it always seems unfair the celebrity doing the dictionary role still gets to submit their words for the letters round but doesn’t get any points for it. Could also do away with the celebrity dictionary corner segment and stick to David doing it - the comedy aspect has been more miss than hit and it seems a waste to have David there and barely use his knowledge.

How’s the ratings been going compared to the original non celeb version in repeat mode?

“People have a strong urge to tell me they don’t like maths,” she says.

“I find it funny because, for me, it would be the equivalent of meeting a lawyer and being like, ‘Listen, I have to tell you: I don’t like the law’.”

I’m not a big fan of Michael on his show. He’s a great guy but he’s not very natural in this format. A lot of yelling and trying to put on a show. If he can tone it down a bit it would be an improvement.

I think Mark Humphries would’ve been a better choice as host. He’s got a Jimmy Carr vibe about him which would suit this show better.

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He’s the Pointless guy though. He’ll be back to host the one hour version of Pointless for Nine or the ABC. :wink:

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I am enjoying the show tonight. The guests have good chemistry between them (Todd McKenny and comedians Lisa and Dane). Michael Hing hasn’t been as annoying as previous weeks.

As others mentioned, i do feel though that they should work in teams rather than individually.

Also, is there a “series final” for the show, as in, the highest winners compete against each other?

“EDIT” Mark Humphries is a contestant on next week’s show.

I agree with this. David Astle is perfectly capable to handle the Dictionary segment of the show on his own. He has also been quite witty and can throw in his own jokes as necessary. A sidekick isn’t needed.

When they return for a second season, I would tweak it so that celebrity assisting him is competing instead. That way they can have two teams of two celebrities, as they do in the UK version. Any “weak” celebrity can be boosted by their team mate.


The UK version has two regulars (team capitains), two guests playing and a guest in dictionary corner.

Yes I realise that. I’m saying we can tweak ours slightly and leave the guest out of Dictionary Corner but still have four competitors.

Just let the guest comedians do a little skit of their own, instead of Dictionary Corner.

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It seems the obvious change to make. Hopefully if they can have a studio audience that would lift it as well.

Wonder though if the next series has already been filmed considering it was announced alongside the first. If it has I suspect it would follow the same format. If it hasn’t please get Lily a full sized letters board.

“do a little skit”, remind me never to take seriously any opinions of comedy from you.