Don’t forget the Prime Possum on news, and Doopa Dog on Traffic
Exactly my point.
Shit yeah.
Was that just for a visit or is he taking over their breakfast show too?
I’m not fan, but I don’t think it’s polite to joke about serious health issues.
That’s two deleted posts on this subject now - @TVHead is right, have some decorum.
That would probably be in reference to their ‘Hour Of Power’ packaged show that airs 7pm weeknights in Cairns (as per website).
KS visited Star 102.7 last year as part of the Australian Idol home visits. His visit to FNQ aired during last night’s episode:
Not sure if it’s been posted elsewhere but thought I’d share
ARN chair Hamish McLennan was interviewed on ABC RN’s new Medialand show.
Among the topics was the K&J foray in to Melbourne.
Why would RN be giving publicity to something like this? He seems to be doing a world tour.
yes it was posted some days ago KIIS Network - #6141 by TV-Expert
I don’t think a program dedicated to media is out of line featuring an interview with the chair of a major media organisation and to discuss what has been a major attempt to disrupt the market (although with little success)
World tour is right. Hamish faces shareholders at the AGM in a few weeks, doing his best to reframe from 2024’s shitshow id show.
Hamish’s Craptacular World Tour!™.
Coming to a podcast and meeting near you!
Correct. Reframe and distance himself from the decisions.
Its Gordie’s second shift tonight this time on IheartAustralia on KIIS
The 53-year-old told listeners the second aneurysm was discovered during routine checks yesterday.
“They found another one in my chest and that’s a separate surgery and I have very bad calcium buildup in the heart where I’m likely to have a heart attack,” he said.
I apologise if this is medically ignorant but if he is this unwell why is he on the radio and not immediately in hospital?
It’s being monitored for now and they aren’t doing an emergency surgery.
I know he said “immediate” surgery, but i guess in medical terms that doesn’t necessarily mean today, would just be very soon, as soon as they can book him in for it.
I imagine they’ll be two separate surgeries now, and will be off for more than 8 weeks in total.