Starting April 17.
KIIS101.1 have brought back the, “Ad Free 50’s” (made famous by the Today Network years ago).
KIIS 1065 line up this week
5.30-10am Snappy Tom
10am-3pm Gordie
3-4pm The Pick up
4-6pm Will and Woody
6-7pm KJ hour of Power
Did “Snappy Tom” leave K&J just to be a station floater? Or is he doing more off-air roles?
97.3 newsreader Monique Dews is leaving ARN after 11 years, to take up a new role as Director of Accounts and Strategy at PR, media training and crisis management company Adoni Media.
Gordie will be live at the Sydney Royal Easter show at 10am today.
This Time… Are You Ready To KIIS For The Cash? (
They’re obviously emphasising the KIIS branding which has only recently been introduced into Brisbane.
Well done. Good to see the “big” radio tactics of 20-30yrs ago making a comeback.
Looking forward to the promotion where they “party like it’s 1999”.
973 had the best sounding sweepers and promo IDs when it first launched in Brisbane over 20 years ago IMO, especially the summer promo IDs.
KIIS 1065 line up this week
6-10am Snappy Tom
10am-3pm Petho
3-4pm The Pick Up
4-6pm Will and Woody
6-7pm Kyle and Jackie O Hour of Power
Clint’s next decision will be whether he wants to continue as newsreader on Jase and Lauren.
Looks like Clint is staying on with Jase and Lauren.
Andrew “Cosi” Costello joined Mix 102.3’s Ali Clarke Breakfast Show as of this morning, and will be partnering with Clarke’s team on special projects throughout the year, to lend a helping hand to fellow South Australians in need.
SA’s tradition of recycling radio hosts every once in a while continues.
These past few months it has been more than a while.
It’s the same pool of the same 5-10 announcers jumping ships.
I’m sure we’ll hear Ali Clarke on SAFM, Soda and Cosi on Nova, Jodie and Bec on Cruise and everyone else on Mix 102.3 in the next month or so. That’s how things work down here.
I’m surprised KIIS1065 aren’t playing the official wedding soundtrack to Kyle’s wedding - considering he has made the station the success that it is today.
That will be the whole show on Monday.
LOL at this:
KIIS 1065 Plays 100 Percent Hits From KIISTORY To Now!
KIIS 1065 Plays 100 Percent Hits From KIISTORY To Now! And now we have put the Money in the Music!
A dig at 2DayFM’s Money in the Music promo?
You only acknowledge a competitor when they get under your skin and you need to block. So KIIS might be seeing 2Day as more of a threat to KIIS’ older demo perhaps?