
Sunday 6 December


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Sunday 13 December - last episode for 2020



Sunday 31 January



Still remote interviews for the 2021 premiere. “Hopefully next week back in the studio”

Sunday 7 February


Sunday 14 February


Sunday 21 February


Sunday 28 February


The panel doing a fantastic job of demonstrating why an axing is well overdue.

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Definitely not the best week. Came across completely tone deaf and out of touch.

Like many in the gallery, Speers struggles with anything that’s not completely politics.


Shell of its former self from Barry’s era. Who would have thought that hiring a former Sky News hack would bring the show’s quality down?!

I don’t understand this criticism - aside from a different look and the introduction of some new panelists, Insiders hasn’t really fundamentally changed since Speers took over.

I get that on Twitter Insiders/Speers bashing is the new ‘hip’ thing to do and (as yesterday highlighted) the show has it’s flaws. However, I feel like a lot of people who’re sentimental about the Cassidy era are that way because they want/expect Insiders (and other political shows) to mirror/reflect their political views rather than challenge them - it’s a significant problem the US and it’s becoming a major problem in Australian political discourse too.


Journalists shouldn’t have a taxpayer funded avenue to share their opinions, not least about a victim of (alleged) rape.


I don’t understand this line of complaint. It’s literally just another show. I could make the same argument about Gardening Australia.

It’s not the worst show out there. As it stands it’s a great alternative to other “political analysis” shows on Australian TV, and has shown its value in being more popular now than ever. I think a lot of the hate it gets is from both extremes who generally put bullshit purity tests. Sometimes journalists say truths a lot of people find politically inconvenient.

(Not defending the comments made above, just the show in general).

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Its become a soapbox for journalists to continue to push their predominately shit takes on current politics and the diversity of views and people that appear is second only to the Liberal Party’s front bench.

PvO’s appearance last Sunday, given his relationship to Porter, has to go down to one of the stupidest decisions they’ve made


Sunday 14 March-

It should’ve been all female panel,it made for very uncomfortable viewing with PVO receiving what I thought was a very frosty reception from fellow panelist Katharine Murphy during the discussion about the allegations against Porter.

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Gardening has contributed more to Australian society than Peter van Onselen.

Sunday 21 March-

Sunday 28 March-

Insiders on ABC was also subject to its share of tech problems this morning, with videos failing to roll and a make-up artist glimpsed on set, awkardly left to duck behind the chairs.

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