Imparja Television

Which is managed by Imparja and part of their playout. It’s understandably a community channel that isn’t part of their commercial offering, but you can’t tell me that they wouldn’t benefit from communicating the fact they operate a service that benefits Indigenous communities. TVSN ≠ WIN but they promote it as if it is.

It’s just marketing. I’m not saying they should put Nine promos on ICTV or place ICTV in the 9x range. Just include it and show some pride over it.


I think ICTV is it’s own independent not-for-profit organisation these days, though they would have links with Imparja


You’re right. Imparja was involved with ICTV up until 2020.

Source: ICTV Annual Report 2021-22, page 3

Oh well, it would have been a good idea at the time.


I pretty sure ICTV always were, even when they took up time on Imparja’s “channel 31” info channel… the IRCA organisation (now First Nations Media) helped set up the original iteration, I’m not sure how associated they are with them now beyond an arms-length basis (as they now represent all indigenous media, not just remote).

And there was plenty of time when they weren’t uplinked by Imparja, or at all - the channel they used was repurposed for the original NITV, then they leased downtime space off Westlink for a few years before getting on VAST and eventually a slot on DTT in Alice Springs and Broome.


Hmm, outsourcing playout to Telstra Broadcast Services in Sydney is not full independence. They have simply moved playout from one outsource provider to another it seems.


True, but I guess they mean it’s a direct outsourcing and not piggybacking through Imparja. The latter did hive off a few of their uplink partners around then.




It makes you wonder sometimes why they bother - especially their own idents for 9Go! and 9Gem - for the main channel, sure, given it still has its own name (maybe they need a “WIN Network”-type add-on for the multis?)

But given all that they really have left internally is spruiking for Imparja Creative, they may as well. They don’t look horrible either for something done probably on the relatively inexpensive.


Definitely much better than the stuff SCA is “producing”


I think someone’s just gotten an abobe stock subscription and an After Effects graphics pack. I guess it’s cool they’re still trying to cling onto the Imparia brand even though it’s Nine everywhere else, but surely at this point up just give up the station heritage if you don’t even have news updates to be able to attach it to.


Sure, they’re better than SCA but I really don’t like these.

Unoriginal, generic stock imagery and I’m not really sure what they’re aiming to achieve. If they’re going to produce indents at least somehow relate them to the broadcast area (albeit vast). May as well run Nine promos.


Yeah, I was being generous with the “relatively inexpensive” and that’s what I was referring to. Yeah someone’s enjoying playing with After Effects but otherwise, yeah.

With such a vast area, I’m not sure you even try to bother relating - you just cut it down to the last five or ten seconds. That’s a shame but it feels almost all they can do. That said, you wouldn’t need your own Go or Gem idents either because that’s basically what Nine has always done for those channels.


Easy enough to do - some generic remote Australia footage, First Nations imagery and images of main broadcast areas such as Alice Springs etc.

Though those kind of indents are rather passé these days they’d at least provide some connection to localism for viewers and advertisers if they’re still making content in house.


I’m not so certain about some of that, hence why I sorta stopped short of suggesting that myself. If you filled it with, say, indigenous imagery and reclaiming the old Rlterrke Aluyenetyeke [“keeping strong”] slogan and such (as I’m sure those with who saw their 90s efforts would recognise)…

…sad to say but I could see complaints from those from the increasing split of viewers in rural QLD and NSW, who make up the vast majority of their viewing area (a game they gave up 15-20 years ago by shifting their schedules to AEST/AEDT). Yes I have a bit of a glib view of this, others’ mileage may vary; certainly those days are not going to come back for Imparja now they have a much wider viewing area through VAST.

Remote footage… surely there would be some decent drone footage of remote Australia as stock (or they could do their own for the Alice), and yes they could use that… but something tells me they don’t want to remind people that they’re watching a “remote broadcaster” either, especially when it’s just Nine all the way through otherwise. (Which of course, is the other option, dropping the Imparja branding entirely, besides the “IMP” satellite-intended bug. Similar to how 7 Central had been for decades.)

I get they’re in a tough situation about identity - trying to remain both relevant to their indigenous stakeholders in central Australia and to the vast (no pun intended) viewing audience in eastern Australia that probably don’t care about that at all (and might baulk at it being pushed on them) and are just happy they’re watching Nine network stuff. That’s why I think the branding question for Imparja’s a slightly more unique challenge than most.


Exactly, they’re travelling to far north Darwin :smiley:


What is the current watermark for Imparja? Is the ‘IMP’ still there or are they using Nine.

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They use a dirty feed for all programming, so it’s mostly the 9 watermark. However they still use a coverup IMP during sport, and they still use the transparent IMP during Nine News Darwin on 9Gem.


Just saw today on the Spirit Of Tasmania that it looks like the IMP watermark is being used on the Sydney bulletins too (this one from 4 pm).


They could’ve filmed a bunch of generic outback Australia, country town Australia footage, put in some generic music, and then ended with the Imparja logo and it would’ve been more impressive than this.

Heck, even put a call out for free footage from viewers and promise to them an Instagram/YouTube/Social Media credit on screen, and bam! nice localised ident for next to nothing, and it would’ve cost as much and effort as this.

This is a long way from the Red Box era…


As what?