Can I sit away from the end of table constantly chanting the phrase “relaunch” at nothing in particular?
If it’s anything like the comments on this forum, I’m tipping that every time I go to speak or have an opinion, everyone will scream at me and be triggered by the idea of me speaking??
Take the hint.
I already took the hint that many here want to shut down different opinion and that’s why I’m still here!!
Only if you order the eggplant and you need to do it every time someone new arrives or even just looks at us.
What is that supposed to mean?
People are still interested to see what the guide is for the week, AFL games and times, movies, etc.
It was just a point that the new content seems to be decreasing across the channel.
People post who is sitting in as the weather girl for one night on a particular channel - seems to be lots of things that float people’s boats
I mean that when there is no discussion being generated the thread ends up being just like an RSS feed. It’s an unfortunate result because it comes across as just spam and makes it look as though we allow spam to generate hits for other sites.
What do we do to combat that? Schedule information is there on other sites if people want to pull up the info and discuss it. It’s a tough one.
Perhaps a thread titled “Aryan’s Schedules” in the general Television section where it can be used as a resource to gather info, then can be discussed in the relevant channel’s thread?
I guess it is. Sometimes people comment and want to discuss and sometimes they just want to read. I would not have thought 7Food would have turned into a convo.
As I said people use the news presenters to just post - so and so filling in for Anne Sanders, so and so filling in for weather and sometimes there is no conversation - just info.
As it is 7mate program and schedules - I post the link to the schedule and perhaps people can comment on their schedule or the shows that are absent from it or maybe coming up - bit that is up to people
True. It’s not like we can force discussion or anything. And yes, all sorts of informational posts get thrown about here. Although they’re usually not containing a link to their own site.
I reckon a dedicated thread for future schedule announcements is the way forward. It’s a win win for both the OP and the members.
this what i meant when i said i prefer jbar he has more depth rather then a cut and paste and link to an article
Let’s not get into a slinging match now. This isn’t about favouritism. It’s about quality of discussion and reducing spam-like posts which, through no fault of anyone, just happens to occur when no discussion takes place.
i dont think this is a big deal.
its not about linking to ‘own’ sites. Tv Blackbox is about content and MS is about discussion. There is no competition. People link to newspaper stories, Tv Tonight, etc and sometimes it causes discussion and sometimes it doesn’t.
More discussion about posts than about 7mate schedule. That is what happens on here a bit lol
I understand what it’s all about, but the problem is that sometimes the end result is just links to own sites. I like the idea of separating the links to schedule articles like yours as they often are used for reference and not to generate discussion. This way we both win - you still get exposure and hits for your blog and, for the wider community, dedicated channel threads don’t just end up being an index of a specific site’s content.
Stay tuned
You may not believe it but this link to own site for exposure is just plain wrong.
All of us are enthusiastic about television. Tv Blackbox does not run a forum discussion. We generate content and discussion happens in other forums such as MS. Is complimentary - not intended to expose anything. Everyone on here know Tv Tonight, Tv Blackbox, Mediaweek, etc etc all operate. Tv Blackbox is not going to grow because of the same 30 people that post on MS. It is just a link to start a chat.
We been over this for years. Everyone is complying. I dont see the issue
We reorganise and categorise posts on a daily basis to keep discussion relevant and to put conversations in their right place (kudos @Bort for his latest project on reorganising TV History). Threads that just contain links are a problem, I’m sorry you don’t see it that way. As I said, it’s not really anyone’s fault, it just ends up this way, which is why I’m formulating a solution to stop threads just being indexes for other sites so no one loses out.
If the thread only has links and no discussion then the thread basically would fall away. At least the 7mate thread is re generated each week for discussion if people want to
Threads that contain links… which threads are those? Which sites are doing that?
Someone just asked a question about Car Crash TV - people will respond if they want to
It’s not like we want to cull content. We just want to reorganise it so we don’t end up with spammy threads. It’s really very simple. With respect, your position of always being against any decision about this doesn’t help. Let’s meet half way. We’ll make a Schedule Releases thread just for links to your blog every 7 days so people know where to reference, and then if you like you can post the preceding paragraph you place before your links in the discussion thread? Problem solvered!
I get what you are saying. For there to be an issue there has to be an issue. Aside from my ONCE a week add of schedule information to threads titled schedules that have no schedules in them, can you please let me know what threads are “spammy”. I cannot find an example of threads that are spammy - they all contain discussion. Can you give me 2 or 3 examples is all I am asking?