Ideas, Issues, Suggestions

Yes - its part of something I’m working on

I’ve installed a new theme that is now user-selectable called MediaSpy Air, its selectable from the “hamburger” menu

Screen Shot 2021-07-24 at 12.13.07 pm

I haven’t changed the colours yet, I’m going to run it for a little while and tweak it as I find stuff - happy to hear any feedback on it.


Yeah, change it back to how it was please.

I dont like change. lol :smiley:

(although we will get used to it, like other changes on this site and others).


Looking forward to the release of the MediaSpy Pro.


You won’t have to if you prefer the previous as @bacco007 indicated :slight_smile:

It still does - use the options at the top to switch between the views


I have to agree.

If I wanted to go on the Sunrise thread for instance, previously I could just scroll a bit down, click on it, and I’m there. Now it’s two clicks until I’m there. First world problems, I know, haha.


Tried Media Spy Air out and it looks pretty nice! Love the new blue accent on the page.

But I’m probably still going to stick to the classic format. I don’t mind the crunched-down categories page (as I usually enter through the unread tab) but I seem to be in the minority here.

I’m using the Light theme (the Air theme doesn’t seem to be selectable on my Windows Chrome browser) and the top of the viewable area of a thread seems to have a Yellow tint. This doesn’t affect the sticky header, and I don’t notice this on other sites. You can see the difference against the sticky header:

There is a difference in colour between the header and the body of the page

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How do I get back the original layout where I could see how many unread posts each category had?

I looked at the themes in the menu and they are all new and don’t show unread categories.

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Thanks, I must just have not noticed it in the past. Glad to know it isn’t a theming bug! :slight_smile:

Added: Also, switching themes to the dark theme made the choice for the Air theme to show up, in case anybody asks. I suspect switching themes may have cleared a cache somewhere.

That involves installing an adblocker

Ooh, I love MediaSpy Air! Great little relaunch

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I switched to Air on my iPhone and the text bubbles are two screens in length (left to right). Not wrapping. Can this be fixed?

Air looks nice but I miss seeing the selection of threads under each category.


Please, please please put it back how it was, please?

If you want to do new changes, can you please make them the option rather than forcing everyone to change?


this new look is visually nice, but practically annoying.


I dont like the new homepage. I feel it is a step backwards in usability. previously it was really easy to navigate and see the latest posts. This new layout is much harder. please change it back.


Not really a fan of the new homepage. The old one was honestly much better in terms of both practicality and looks in my opinion. Any way to change it back?


it just changed on me again. terrible! who’s doing this??