Ideas, Issues, Suggestions

Do they still ask where Hendo went?

They probably think he hasn’t gone anywhere - just that he looks and sounds about 20 years nowadays.

I’m planning on making a poll, but I need help as there isn’t a “create poll” option in the post editor. So how do I in source?

So there’s no “build poll” option under the cog icon?


If you’re moderated you can’t, hence you may have seen me politely request a mod to do one on my behalf previously.

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I set up a couple of polls in Ten On-Air Presentation.

These were the first polls I’ve ever set up. I wasn’t sure how to do it.
They were Yes/No responses but I set them up as “multiple” instead of “regular”.

Apparently I can’t change it now. I need to get a moderator to do it. Can a mod help here please?

Will it wreck the poll, if we change it now?

Anyone else getting the below? :hushed:


Yes, I’ve also got a lot of other weird icons and tweaks tonight, Relaunch? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ve had a few ‘blank’ icons come up instead of eg. the ‘like’ button etc.

It seems to have resolved itself now.

I got a similar thing on the desktop version.

Whoever is doing the Santa hats is dead to me


Aware of the large, crap looking icons - there was a change to how the forum handles the icons in the latest version and there seems to be some weird issues - we may have to live with it for a little while

Don’t like Santa?

this woulda been a perfect time for Dickie’s Christmas Balls to be hidden around the site.

Just not in the WIN Television thread, we all remember how much Bruce hates balls.

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He is fine with just one big ball, but just not balls (plural).

oh love the santa hat! :smiley:


My santa hat has gone now. My head is cold.

I can’t sustain the 25 days of happiness that is supposedly required of me each December.

Also, Mariah Carey makes me want to cut my ears off.

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What about this

Try filling them with cheese. That might work better. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: