House Rules

I love how Seven trashed it in the before shots to make it look worse that what it really was. :rofl:


Yes, so many times over the years she’s cost the teams who’ve taken her advice points when it comes to the judging.

And again with the production they send her on to site on day 4 or 5, not day 1 or 2 when the input of a design expert might be useful.


I’ve noticed they do the same thing on The Block. Guess it’s not so exciting to just get a renovation as opposed to turning a dump into something spectacular.

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“If we don’t get this finished we could be going home”. “We could be eliminated”. The same old lines every series is getting tiresome. I expect lots of “Oh my God” when we get to the house renovations.


This show seems to be getting more traction than this year’s MKR, both ratings and social media wise. But that doesn’t mean it’s much.

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With so many teams doing adverts this year, it’s a bit obvious which teams are safe in the initial round.

After a week, my stance on the show has changed. The Penthouse challenge was drawn out way too long, the show needs to go back to its original format; House Renovations + Gardens + Finale. A lot of people on social media seem to have the same view, let’s be honest, the house renovations are the core of the show, so why not start off with it?

The renovations have been horrid, and I don’t think its the teams, it’s the house rules that were forced upon the teams. Disgusting, tacky designs for such an iconic place within the Gold Coast skyline.

As the show progresses, I really miss Jo, she brought warmth to the show. While Jamie is great, he lacks in this department. Still have no clue what role the co host plays either?

Really she was one of the best things about the show. Nothing against Jamie but I thought last year’s presenter/judge combination was the best. Jamie is better at judging than hosting.

As for the penthouse challenge, I thought it was more akin to The Block which is not fantastic. Their point of difference was renovating contestants’ houses and other challenges related to houses. With the penthouse renovations you would be forgiven if you thought that the previous episodes was from The Block instead of House Rules.

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I had this thought too. That’s why I always preferred House Rules, now the two shows are inseparable.

Both shows are alright, though The Block (and to be fair, House Rules and eBay) and their product placement is not fantastic.

Scott Cam on The Block is unbearable. He seems very intimidating. Joh Griggs was by far superior, which is why it’s a shame she left.


We always watch The Block and apart from the way over the top product placement we’ve always had it as our must watch program to follow. House Rules was ok not quite must watch but we’d follow it each year because it was different - now that there’s parts where you can say it’s a try hard Block rip off it’s putting us off and I doubt we’ll be watching the full series. Which is a worry when there’s now not many programs we see as must watch because the formula keeps getting changed - MKR being a huge one for that.

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To me the penthouse renovations just looked like The Block on a lower budget. At least on The Block you could look and think ‘wow’ on some of the renovations, whereas on HR the penthouse was full of round/curved mirrors, flamingos and unusual colours. While these rules may work on the Gold Coast, they’re not something I’d ever want to try.

Re Abbey, perhaps she’s going to do a similar role to Shelley Craft and pop up from time to time during the house renovations. I hope so, because so far she hasn’t really brought anything to the show.

One positive so far is they’re mainly showing the teams in a good light, rather than trying to portray them as good teams/bad teams. Hopefully this continues throughout the series rather than the producers relying on editing to create scandals. Wasn’t this one of the main reasons Joh Griggs left the show in the first place?


The two above posts were made in January this year.
Susan and Anthony were eliminated at the end of Gold Coast penthouse renovation challenge tonight, and Tanya and Dave made it to the final six. So Susan and Anthony’s car was there in Sydney to confuse people? Or did the cheerleaders return to replace one team which had been forced to withdraw?

The photos included the Gold Coast.

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That’s interesting. Please remind me, but does HR rely on accumulated points in the same way The Block does? If so then I’d assume they may leave early in the season, before their house gets renovated, allowing Susan and Anthony to take over and earn their own points.

The two rounds on the Gold Coast were tallied together to eliminate a team in the prelim round.

No other team will be eliminated now until all their houses are renovated. Lowest scoring team in all the renos goes. Then they do fix-up rooms and another team goes. Then they do the front/back yards and another team goes etc.


Seems that Seven has reduced the interior renovations of the six houses to three episodes each and changed the order of reveals. Homeowners reveals will be shown first, then judges reveals the next night.

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That’s a good idea. One episode of renovations is more than enough.


Are we really going to have to endure the break bumpers using the shot of the Gold Coast building into the water for the whole season? It will ultimately be a small part of the season. They should change it. It’s got no relevance to these episodes.


I was just about to comment on the same thing @David, completely agree too. I also find it strange that the “High Stakes” name and logo is used and mentioned as well. Previous seasons with a subtitle only used the full title either during the pre-promotion or during the relevant stage of the competition.