Hot Seat

What do you propose they do? Start Tipping Point early??

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Idk maybe they need to finish playing the episodes recorded?? They don’t just take it straight off air

They already aired the final episode a few weeks ago. The show is currently in repeat mode.


I’ll be interested to see if there are any more repeats after Tipping Point AU starts… perhaps on a multi channel, overnights or weekends.


9Gem airs Pointless repeats in the mornings. They can always pair it up with Hot Seat. Perhaps. The multi-channels do need more fillers atm, especially during the day.


Even a dedicated multi channel… 9Game… with repeats of Classic game shows including old eps of Sale Of The Century, Ford Superquiz, Blankety Blanks 24 hours a day! I’d watch it :grin:


‘Coming up next on 9Gem, it’s Australia’s richest quiz Sale of the Century!’


Today marks the Last Time Hot Seat will air on 9.

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I’m going to miss Eddie and his antics. His helping out some contestants was very obvious. Contestant locks in an answer. Eddie then repeats key words in the question, askes “tell me what to do”, “have another look”, you have x seconds remaining" ect.

Then there’s some who he “doesn’t like”, who say “i think the answer might be X”, and it gets locked in.

There doesn’t seem to be any word if the repeats will appear on a multi-channel in the future, to fill in the gaps.

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You’re sick!

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I will miss it too!

‘The Chase’ and ‘Tipping Point’ don’t have the same level of banter as ‘Hot Seat’ and that, to me, makes it more enjoyable to watch.

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You’re sick too. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The final sentence from Eddie in tonight’s episode was kinda fitting as it’s the last episode likely to be broadcast for a while.


What was it @MaddieWalsh?

Can you please quote the sentence from Eddie McGuire, Maddie?

I just watched the ending in Sydney. Eddie’s last sentence was “Wow, that’s the Millionaire Hot Seat story. Goodbye everyone” (or to that effect…)

And on that note, goodbye Hot Seat.

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I’ll be surprised if we don’t see late night repeats or on a multi channel sometime this year.


Guys, don’t stress. I’m sure this game show will be revived by 10 in coming years.


How is that possible as they’ve been running repeats??

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Eddie saying goodbye? The producers probably just chose a recent episode where he says “goodbye” instead of saying "see you next time’?