Hey Hey It's Saturday

Surely it’d be on a Sunday night?

Although in any case, I strongly doubt there’ll be a 50th anniversary reunion show for Hey Hey It’s Saturday in two and a bit years time for various reasons. Besides, Hey Hey crafted its legacy (even with the 2009 reunion shows + 2010 revived series) in the now closed Studio 9 - it’s probably for the best that isn’t ruined.


The original run, 2009 reunion and 2010 revival were all filmed in Studio 9 in Melbourne


Some title cards, thanks to clips on the HHIS Fan Club on Facebook.

HHIS Night, 20&27 October 1984.

HHIS Night 1984 Thriller Special.

Hey Hey Hits the Seventies 1990.


More title cards, years unknown.




Could be late 70s/early 80s.

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The thing is who watches TV on Saturday Nights these days apart from watching football?


A one-off 50th anniversary special should air sometime in October 2021 on Nine with most of the original crew reuniting and our favourite segments.

Best ofs could air during the year.


They should’ve just done the reunion specials in 2009 and left it at that.


daryl somers is hosting carols by candelight here in ballarat

Variety television is dead and unlikely to ever come back, especially after Nine axed both versions of The Footy Show (the last programs which vaguely resembled a variety show on the network) and more recently, the ratings megaflop that was Saturday Night Rove which Channel Ten pulled off the air after just two episodes of a planned six!


Somers was the star of a local Canberra stage production of The Producers in October. He is still busy it seems.

Hey Hey was never funnier than when it was on Saturday mornings in the early 1980s. The cartoons that had been a feature in the early days were gone making way for lots of comedy skits, improvised segments based on viewer/audience contributions and piss taking. As a kid you got the feeling you were watching something slightly naughty that your mother wouldn’t approve of. I’m sure some of the double entendres went over my head but I knew enough to be aware the humour was on the edge.

Always enjoyed the interactions with the crew and the peaks behind the host set when Daryl and the cameraman would wander around Television City (into Blackman’s booth, the control room, the foyer and pool area) causing havoc.

The show had become stale by the mid 1990s. Daryl had lost his sense of humour and was more like an officious traffic cop trying to keep everyone in line. It lacked spontaneity and the same old jokes they’d been doing for 25 years were wearing thin. Having been born around the time the show premiered, I have great memories of it growing up as a staple of Saturday viewing but I found it slightly irritating and less fun in the few years before it ended.


As much as I loved it And was sad to see it end. In hindsight it had reached it’s used by date.

Not just the cost of production but Saturday nights had also become more about footy (both AFL and League)


I think you and I have had very similar experience with Hey Hey over its time. It happens that I was also born around the time that Hey Hey started, and it was regular Saturday morning viewing in our house. I followed it through to night time of course at 9.30 and then 6.30, but I sort of tuned in and out of it as I got older. By the time it ended in 1999 it was something that my parents and grandparents watched but I had little interest in it by then.

But very fond memories of watching it as a morning show and I used to like the Media Watch segment (of course) where they’d pick out the continuity mistakes in ads and stuff like that.

And I have the 1975 record Hey Hey It’s Daryl & Ossie. I can’t imagine how many times I listened to that as a kid , because even now I can still remember whole slabs of it.


Same. The records got tossed years ago unfortunately. Who would’ve thought vinyl would come back into fashion?

This beloved treasure from 1976 has somehow survived many moves and clean outs over the years. I’ll have to pull out the tape deck to see if it still plays.


I never knew about Keep Smiling With Daryl & Ossie until only about 10 years ago when a work colleague mentioned that he had it as a kid. I missed out on it entirely.


Found this on HHIS’ IMDB page.

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Hey Hey It’s Jacki

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Posted on Facebook on 26 May 2020.

The first time I saw Ossie Ostrich was on Graham Kennedy’s tonight shows on Nine in the early 1970s. He was unique and funny back then and continued to be throughout Hey Hey It’s Saturday.