HD Broadcasting

That’s a pity. I just did a scan and it found channels 49-55… which have audio but no video. But sounds more like SBS? What channel numbers should it use.

Anyway, I’d rather see the networks allow Fetch to stream an HD HEVC stream over the internet.

It’s crazy that the networks haven’t been forward thinking enough to do that for HD on all their channels, and even setup tailored ads for different locations (separate Sydney into 15 regions?). (or worked with Fetch for user-customised ads etc)

Those are the new SBS radio stations. They come up in the same number range for me, knocking out the Southern Cross Nine channels that are actually supposed to be in that channel range.

I got excited seeing so many new channels I was hoping I’d have the full suite of WIN channnels on my Fetch but nope, still only WIN and One. No Eleven or WIN HD or the rest still in Tasmania.

SBS Radio channels are in but as others have said, no name and in the weird range. I think it’s actually 49, 54, 55 and 56 for mine though so I still have the Nine channels.


That LCN allocation would be at odds with FTA operational allocation to SBS of 3, 30-39 and 300-349

I was wondering if 7QLD had added a HD channel!

DVB-T2 tuner card or USB 

Can you please tell me what USB TV stick you are using thanks

I’m using an Astrometa DVB-T/DVB-T2/DVB-C/FM/DAB+/SDR USB tuner.

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The radio channels come up in the range stating with 300 from Mt Coot-tha Brisbane. The radio channels from the nearby regional SBS stations are also added as being a different network stream (as happens for SBS TV).

Does SBS run different feeds in Brisbane and Regional QLD? I know that ABC has separate metro and regional TV feeds - albeit only used for the occasional Local Radio promo spot.


Since the last restack, the network ID for regional SBS has differed from the metro one. Prior to that there as a SFN in SEQ so it wasn’t possible.


I think SBS might have a different feed for local ads here in Sydney compared to what Regional NSW gets.

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Yes. There’s a table and details here of the SBS feed breakup.

Tasmania and the NT use the one feed - but the other states are split regional/metro - with the ACT taking the regional NSW feed.


I can confirm this. I get both metro and regional SBS here in Sydney and the ads are different. Even the ABC, who don’t have ads seem to have a different feed for Sydney. For example, when the same promo ran for ABC NewsRadio, the Sydney feed had the AM frequency, whilst the regional feed didn’t have any frequencies listed. This was a while ago though - not sure if ABC still have a separate Sydney feed.


But is it HEVC compliant read somewhere it needs to be for it to decode video?

I second this.

Also, the last time I checked, the entire feed for SBS NSW was half a second ahead of SBS Sydney.


The codec used is irrelevant to the tuner. It’s your computer software that does the decoding (or video card, if you have GPU acceleration enabled and your GPU supports HEVC). Same applies to actual TVs – decoding of the HEVC is not related to the tuner itself.


As always thanks tvcl

Sky Racing 1 is now showing in HD to clubs and venues via VAST platform. Hopefully they will upgrade the Foxtel feed soon.


Although I doubt this would happen at all, I’d like Ten to be the first to bite the bullet and broadcast all their channels in HD. (TenHD remaining MPEG2 - possibly).
Any thoughts spectrum-wise if this would work?


all MPEG4’s should work?


yeah but then it goes back to ‘But not everyone has an mpeg4 stb/TV’

the WIN SCA affiliation swap would have been a good opportunity to kick off this country wide change, alas it didn’t happen