Gogglebox Australia

I noticed that the “TV’s Biggest Week” promo that Ten is running has Goggleboxer Adam jumping up saying “I can’t wait for Australian Survivor”. Was this part of the previous season?

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I believe it was, either that or I’ve seen the ad too many times and can’t remember. I too thought it was weird given how long they’ve been off air, would seem very staged otherwise.

It was reported in today’s News Corp Sunday TV guides that Anastasia’s mum will be filling in for Faye in two episodes (the first two, I believe) of this series. That should be rather interesting…

Yes. During the last series there were promos running for what was still to come in 2016 on Ten.

I imagine the malakas will be flying

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Gogglebox’s Wayne and Tom tell us what they love and hate about Australian TV

“The only intrusion I feel is that sometimes we have to watch crap TV — but that’s what the rest of Australia’s watching anyway,” laughs Tom.

Were there any big between-season TV moments that you wished you could’ve saved for Gogglebox?

Wayne: Oh yeah, that Pauline Hanson special. I would’ve LOVED to have had that for Gogglebox.

How about the Rio Olympics?

Tom: Oh no, please don’t. I’ll only watch the Olympics when they go back to the original Greek style. I wanna see them nude and oiled up, and then maybe I’ll watch.

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The recent Rio Olympics are covered in this week’s episode. If there is actual footage, will the episode be available on Tenplay after tonight’s broadcast (due to copyright restrictions)?

They’ll probably just cut the segment out when the episode is posted online, if there’s any actual Olympics footage included.

They don’t talk about or show Seven’s coverage - it’s about the Olympics as an event as seen through The Project, ABC News stories etc. Are they interested in watching? Did Australia do well? etc

I think there is perhaps one image where you can see a 7Two watermark but otherwise nothing of the coverage.


I am watching this week’s episode. The 7TWO watermark is actually from Seven’s telecast of the Australian Swimming Championships in April when Kyle Chalmers won his place into the Australian swimming team for Rio. They show two photos from Rio, Chalmers swimming and then presented with his gold medal. Will the photos be omitted when the episode is posted online?

Haven’t they got around the restrictions by using photos, isn’t that the point of using them in the first place? I read in one of the threads that this was how the networks were getting around it also

Also have TEN previously had the show available to live stream Before? I swear I’ve watched it on tenplay in the past but it wasn’t available tonight after Bachelor.

I don’t believe so. Gogglebox is one of the only shows I’ve have issues watching on tenplay. The episodes use to not appear until the following day & were only online for about 48hrs.

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I don’t think it has ever been live streamed on Tenplay. There must be some sort of agreement with Foxtel about having it on catchup TV too because it is usually only available for a very sort time eg 48hrs. On occasion last series it took quite a while for it to appear on Tenplay.

Gogglebox airing clips of Seven shows with the 7HD watermark is going to confuse the shit out of Sydney, Brisbane and Perth viewers.


7HD? Is that a radio station in Tasmania?


I wonder how many Goggleboxers in Syd, Bris and Perth were foaming at the mouth when they saw a 7HD logo on their screens?

I distinctively remember seeing HD footage of a Seven program on Gogglebox during the final episode of the last series, obviously that was before the watermark tweaks.

The footage from FTA channels used on Gogglebox is probably a mix from both Sydney and Melbourne stations, if I was to take a guess…

99% of viewers wouldn’t even notice.


I don’t think anyone would notice or really care.

I’ve enjoyed the addition of Anastacia’s mum to the cast. She is so the polar opposite of Anastacia and I crack up laughing the way she sits there under her little blanket and claps, or blurts out the most random 1 or 2 word comments. I hope she’s around a little longer.

Faye is meant to be back next week. Anastasia’s mum has been great.

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