
Yeah, October!

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Oh, that’s a bit too soon then.


What a “winning” combo that would’be been.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The amounts are in US dollars. Considering that Australian dollar had weakened against US dollar since late September 2024, the Q4 results (October 1 to December 31) would have been higher when shown in the local currency.

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Kayo Sports and Binge subscribers in areas described as “very remote” will have their streaming services cancelled on March 3.

Foxtel has apologised to subscribers in large regional centres who were incorrectly advised they would lose their service.

The West Australian city of Geraldton, 420 kilometres north of Perth with a population of 40,000, was incorrectly listed as “very remote” by the streaming provider.

TV Blackbox news editor Kevin Perry said he believed the decision would have been made because of uncertainty about the ability to deliver a reliable streaming service over satellite NBN, though NBN Co and Foxtel Group dispute this.

Kayo Sports told subscribers they would be able to access a Foxtel subscription at a comparative rate.

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So why then?


Competitive rate my arse.

Becaise its the last chance Murdoch and Telstra get to be arseholes beforr they allow DAZN to be arsehole

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Looks like two new Movie channels coming in the next 6 weeks

On 19 February 2025, we are launching a new channel British Cinema (Ch.413)
On 25 March 2025, we are launching a new channel Aussie Classics (Ch.414)

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Wonder if these will also pop up on Binge…

Probably not none of the other movie channels are on Binge.


The Summer movie popup was on Binge.

MTV 80s has fixed its display of widescreen music videos. Previously, the few music videos from the 80s that were in widescreen were picturefraned (both letterboxed and pillarboxed), but now they’re displayed properly over the entire screen.

And now they are cropping the top and bottom of the 4X3 frame.

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Terrible names, are they not branding as Foxtel Movies anymore?

Sky does a good job of branding its channels, Foxtel have always been shit.

Perhaps the Foxtel name might not be around much longer…


Maybe but they’ve done a terrible job for over a decade now with branding, constantly changing their logo and channel names back and forth.


Oh totally - but almost cleanskinning it like they have makes them I guess adaptable for DAZN or whatever happens.