Same. Used to have both Max and Smooth on a few times a week while doing things around the house but haven’t bothered with Foxtel’s downgraded music channels for months. Last time I checked the Australian content was still sparse. Happy with the alternatives I’ve discovered and YouTube music video playlists.
this comes from the age newspapers covid-19 blog. according to roymorgan average four-week period during the three months to September 2020.
Foxtel , with a total of 7.75 million viewers – an increase of 2.36 million compared to the same period in 2019 - across the company’s cable TV platform and its online offerings Foxtel Now, Kayo Sports and Binge.
Foxtel Media has released monthly BVOD 2020 results from January to December – revealing that Foxtel Go/Now platforms are the leaders in commercial broadcast video on demand – representing over one-third (37%) of all minutes viewed throughout 2020.
They still have cable?
Being phased out until 2023
maybe doing it intentionally to get people to watch the cricket on Fox Cricket 501?
Another Channelnews Iq5 article…
ChannelNews seems to be pumping them out this week!
do we really need smart home stuff on the pay tv box? it seems a little overboard. the only thing i’d like is phone intergration like i had with dish network when i lived in canada 20 years ago - phone rings and there is an alert in the corner of your TV. Perhaps the same with a smart doorbell - but thats all i want.
Back than it was your landline. now it should be even easier with your mobiles for this to happen
but is this really true? or just rumours? I am sure they published something b4 that supposed to be true and turned out to be fake
Got no idea, but if it is rumours they seem to be going to alot of effort. This is there third copy paste article about it this week.
this is from eftm June 2020 from Trevor long - regarding iq5- EFTM can now confirm the next-generation Foxtel Set-top box will feature IP delivered live TV for those unable to install Satellite for reception. in a survey sent to a select group of Foxtel users they were asked what the new box should be called. there were a set of notes provided to those answering the questions: the new step top box will feature the new functionality of watching via the satellite or via the internet. customers who are unable to get a slight connection can now access the residential Foxtel services . it was said this could have been months or by june this year . maybe channel news is half right with the prediction of june or july this year
Probably not, but Foxtel want the iQ to be the centre of your home
and i get why. they want to increase “stickyness” and reduce customer churn, but i can not see myself talking to my IQ and if my fmaily asked i’d tell them to go buy an alexa or google home (incidently i just updated to the google nest wifi with the extension units having ok google built in)
All these over-the-top technological advancements and we still can’t get picture-in-picture for the iOS apps?
Foxtel please.
But doesn’t the Optus D3 Satellite cover pretty much ALL of Australia (For Foxtel and Optus Television), New Zealand and South East-Asia?
Yes, but the building, living situation, etc. may not allow them to have a satellite installed.
I suspect Foxtel are finding that converting their Cable customers to Satellite are hitting some fairly serious hurdles where satellite installs are not possible.
Going IP or Hybrid could also deliver some cost efficiencies - boxes could be sold retail and a subscriber could get going in a matter of hours rather then needing to wait for an installer