Federal Politics

So she’s a fucken idiot. Has no command of the English language or able to articulate anything coherent.

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Stop swearing and using those words in vain.

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We don’t need religious moralizing thank you. And plenty of people swear on this site.


Saw Pauline’s train wreck interview on bolt. Highly disfunctional. Not really a blockbuster performance.

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Because she completely chose to have that happen and right there. Let’s at least attack for the views and policies, there’s already more than enough material there to go round than picking on misfortune.

Misfortune? The tick bite needs an explanation. I’ve never in my life heard of someone getting bitten on the face by a tick! And I grew up in the country. The only way that could possibly happen is if you fell asleep in a bale of hay or a cattle trough, or with your head planted in the dirt in a rainforest. I mean come on, what’s the real story?

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What I don’t get is why is this all coming out now? Someone has been sitting on this for a while. So why now exactly?


Because the election is coming up, that’s the only reason. One of the parties has opened up their dirt file again.


Yeah I thought the same thing but the election hasn’t even been called yet. Why wouldn’t they hold on to it? This could all die down in a month.

It’s an Al Jazeera investigation so it would be up to them to pick the best time to release it for their ratings benefit.

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I read the book […] it was about the Port Arthur and I, uh, it was light blue in colour it wasn’t a very big book.

“Not a very big book”, a children’s picture book perhaps?

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She is a trainwreck. Always has been always will be.

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Did someone have to read it to her?


Awkward ScoMo.

Dummy post @JBar

Who you calling a dummy? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


…there was more to the story last week and now there’s a grovelling apology.

…and despite all the controversies over the last couple of years, sadly I wouldn’t be overly surprised if Barnaby Joyce retains his seat after the next Federal Election. Results of the NSW Election seem to indicate that the National Party has still got it in that part of the world.