Eurovision Song Contest

Well good for you that you didn’t think so but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t for many of us. We were on the edge of our seats and so were many of my friends texting throughout. During the jury votes we knew that Loreen needed a strong score as Finland could completely dominate the public. After Finland’s massive viewer vote it was definitely a nail biter for us especially given some negative reactions to Loreen on social media. There’s no guarantee how well the public would vote and if it was a little less it could have gone either way. In the end there were only 52 points between the top 2 countries.


I hope some of the criticism of the commentary makes its way back to SBS from today’s broadcast and we can have less unnecessary commenting over that supplied by the host broadcasters. That vote counting in particular was so annoying when the crosses to each country were talked over and even the vote announcements in a couple of cases.


To avoid stress during future vote announcements, take the number of possible televotes ( 2,204 this year) and subtract each country’s score as announced :wink: There’s plenty of time to do the calculations.

Votes summary

i’m on SBS’s viewer feedback panel (The Exchange) so I imagine there will be a survey sent out in the next day or so. They will get my 2c worth on the excessive/unnecessary commentary :wink:


It was definitely a nailbiter if you didn’t know the total number of televotes available, which I didn’t. It was very close in the end.

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Australia’s televoting results in the final since the current voting system has been used.

2023 - 21
2022 - 2
2021 - did not qualify
2020 - not held
2019 - 131
2018 - 9
2017 - 2
2016 - 191

The trend hasn’t been encouraging.
Unless Aus sends a knock out song, or a song with strong production values, then Australia isn’t on the voting public’s radar.


Agree, it is “Euro” vision after all. Last time I checked my atlas, we were not part of Europe.


Thanks. Interesting to know. Still I’d rather watch and feel the suspense like I did this morning, rather than sit there with a calculator.

Are we still having this discussion? :man_facepalming: This comment is so 2015. Last time I checked not all countries part of EBU are in Europe but let’s not get into that again.

As a Eurovision fan I enjoy having Australia participate and hope we continue. I think winning the second semi-final is positive take no matter how things turn out at the final with a lot of factors involved. The public vote isn’t everything either. 9th overall is an achievement. It’s not like we had an act that was ever going to be competition to Israel, Finland or Sweden this year.


Hang on, what year is it?! :grinning:

For whilst Australia is in “Euro” vision, this comment will come up every now and again.

And the public vote may be suggesting we shouldn’t be there either.

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Why is it alright for Israel to be there then? They are in the Middle East. They’ve been there a long time but they seem to score well in the televote every year.

Also some of the other recently added countries are more in Asia than Europe. Armenia and Azerbaijan are considered to be wholly in Asia.


At least the other countries you mention are a lot closer to Europe than we are… But yes, the whole concept of Eurovision needs a rethink.

At least for the replay they’ve cut out the commentary over the intro performance

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But still has the LIVE bug on it.

I think they did listen to some feedback because in the grand final at one stage Joel and Myf said we know people hate it when we talk over the hosts but we need to explain to you how you can vote in Australia…and Graham and Hannah are just saying the same thing.

However, I wish they had listened to that feedback earlier in the show when they talked over the whole of the opening number. Last year’s winners Kalush Orchestra performed a great rendition of the song in the Kyiv Metro with parts done by other artists including a symphony, ballet, Sam Ryder, Joss Stone, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Ms Banks and even the Princess of Wales. But Joel and Myf ruined it by talking over the whole thing about what was coming up on the show.

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Recorded the replay in the hope they dropped the commentary through this. Thank God they did and I actually got the chance to enjoy it.

They really need to limit the commentary so it’s not happening over the top of the performances or hosts. Do it in between performances and in the recaps only.

Couple of points from me:

  1. Get rid of Joel and Myf please
  2. Sweden deserved, I think it was pretty clear they were going to win
  3. Austria deserved higher then Australia, Teya and Salena were great.
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Neither is Israel or Azerbaijan. We are in it because it has been extremely popular here for decades and rates well. We aren’t the first non-European country to be invited to compete and I suspect we won’t be the last.

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Nor is Morocco, which competed once.

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It’s important to note that several countries like Cyprus, Israel and Armenia aren’t physically located in Europe, but are part of the Asian continential plate, however, they’re considered culturally associated with Europe.