Driving & Traffic

I’ll have a go at trying to do without a car for now.Since I changed to working part time a year ago it’s been harder for me financially,everything is so expensive now ,including petrol
The only problem with not having a car anymore is that I start work at 5am ,there’s no public transport services to my workplace at that time. I now have to travel in an Uber in the morning,and catch 2 buses home.Also none of my workmates live near me so I can’t get a lift with anyone :confused:


Are any of the workmates going in the general direction of home so you can get a lift part way and only have to get one bus? At my old job I used to get dropped off part way home if my usual lift wasn’t working


How far would it be to walk to work? Or could you cycle? I currently walk home from work which is about 50 minutes and 5.5km

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It’s 14 kms to work from my home.My workplace is in Salisbury, Brisbane Southside,not in the CBD,so travelling home from work,I’m heading towards the city ,then travelling in another direction,towards Brisbane‘s eastern suburbs to Morningside where I live,If I worked in the city I would only have to catch 1 bus or train,about 20 to 25 minutes travelling time as my home is only about 6kms from the CBD.My workmates live further out from work in the southern or western suburbs so none of them are going in my direction

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Oh yes 14kms is a bit far.

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Yes too far to walk or cycle and I’m not that fit😕I can manage a 15 minute walk to the nearest train station or bus stop to work in the afternoon ok though and another 15 minute walk from train station to home

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An electric bike mind end up being cheaper/

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I wouldn’t want to be travelling on an electric bike at 4am on a dark winter morning though😕


Really? Each to their own. I am out walking my dog every morning at 4:30 and that is a melbourne winter


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If this ends up spelling the end for 91 RON as it did in most of Europe and the UK, that’s going to result in a massive jump in fuel prices to the end consumer. Feds will have to be careful.

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The government says cleaning up Australian fuel standards will see a slight increase in prices at the petrol pump, amounting to about $8 per household over three years.

This is a really odd way to express it - its not enough to get worked up about, but at the same time sets an unrealistic benchmark that they’ll no doubt be measured on.

Wonder if it will force a shift to ethanol-blended fuels to keep a “cheaper” option

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2 weeks without a car now , I miss driving.Don’t know yet when I’ll have another one :confused:

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The NSW government should use toll proceeds from Sydney Harbour Tunnel to help pay for the huge construction cost of Western Harbour Tunnel.

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