Driving & Traffic

And what’s to say there aren’t English versions of the same poster?

The English version is the one that should be there. They want it in a different langauge, go seek it out. Anything from a government agency should be produced first in English, and other languages as an after thought.

I don’t teach in multiple language. We have barely enough time to teach in one.

If they don’t like the fact that English is our defacto/official language, then maybe Australia isn’t for them.

Public safety and ensuring people understand the message is far more important than what language people use, and tourists exist who you can’t expect to have a grasp of English you might expect of new citizens.

You can have a strong grasp of another language, but need translations for complex topics. Plus for a road side ad, learning to read a different language late in life is much tougher than learning enough to speak it.


What a mess

Brisbane commuters are suffering “apocalyptic delays” as a result of the sudden closure of the Legacy Way Tunnel due to emergency roadworks.

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I’d say so.

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Not just here

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An “unexpected power failure” was the reason for this morning’s sudden closure of Legacy Way.

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got caught in it this morning. my normal rocket bus goes right though legacy way. been told off the books it could be a muli day closure

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ABC Perth did their own test of Perth’s new Mitchell Freeway:

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Australia is one of very few countries (including the USA) that haven’t signed up to/implemented the Vienna Convention’s standardised road signage, which minimises wording in any language and instead prefers standardised recognisable symbols to minimise possible misunderstandings from international visitors who don’t read the local language.
Perhaps we should implement this convention’s standards. I certainly would rather not be stuck in traffic because of a crash due to a visitor misunderstanding signage.
It’d be better still if we all drove on the same side of the road, but wanting to change that would be more than wishful thinking.

It’d be even better if people could drive properly on the side of the road they’re on now. Getting our population to change would be end of us as we know it - non stop car crashes.


Yes can you imagine! Sweden swapped sides in the 60s but of course much, much less traffic in those days. And they’re sensible.

Of course they are, its Sweden.

We live in a country that makes Housos look like a documentary. We’re not that bright.

Eventually cars will be fully autonomous, ie no steering wheel, so it won’t really matter.

No, no, no. I don’t trust autonomous cars. People will do stupid shit and cause a crash. If cars are to stay on the road, people shpuld be controlling it, being fully responsible.

I think autonomous cars will come, but it will be a long time before they’re commonplace. Probably at least 20 years away before they are in any great numbers. I’m looking forward to pulling out in front of them in traffic actually, so they can brake autonomously and let me in… Coz they will :laughing:. I already do it with Tealas lol

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Hopefully never. People will think they can do anything whilst the car is driving itself and it will lead to accidents. Having the technology is exciting and wonderful, etc., but do you trust people to do the right thing?

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That won’t be a problem, they could sleep if they wanted too… if they try to do anything stupid like try and overspeed, the computer will say NO.

Of course, I’m talking probably 20-30 years time.

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But what would happen if the computer fails. Is there a manual override?

Computers fail.