Dream Home seems like a strange hosting role for Dr Chris Brown.
Who does the actual renovations? Is it basically House Rules where the other teams renovate each others houses?
If it’s like the New Zealand version, then it’s pretty much like House Rules or The Block. In fact, the creators of Dream Home entered into an arrangement with Nine. They then produced The Block but the production company failed to pay the creators any licence fees.
In 2005 Ninox Television Ltd launched legal action, alleging that Nine Films & Television Pty Ltd infringed copyright. The case progressed to the Federal Court of Australia which eventually ruled against Ninox, concluding that though the shows were very similar in character, “simply by reason of the fact that there are large elements of unscripted dialogue and interaction within the overall framework of the programs, there cannot be any substantial reproduction.”
Dreams can come true
Seven’s new life-changing renovation series Dream Home
Seven’s brand-new competition renovation series Dream Home is set to take the genre to new heights as six pairs of everyday Aussies battle it out room by room, transforming tired suburban family homes into astonishing new dream homes.
Hosted by Dr Chris Brown, Dream Home will feature some of the biggest and most life-changing renovations Australia has ever seen.
With grit and determination, the teams will design and rebuild each other’s outdated and dilapidated homes.
Following renovations in each state, the top three couples will have the opportunity to have their backyards completely made over with stunning gardens and outdoor living spaces.
The winning couple will not only receive their very own Dream Home, but also a life-changing cash prize of $100,000.
A trio of expert judges – Lana Taylor of Three Birds Renovations, award-winning interior designer Rosie Morley, and top buyer’s agent Simon Cohen – will provide invaluable insight during the renovations before critiquing and scoring each new space in the stunning homes.
Produced by Endemol Shine Australia (A Banijay company), Dream Home will inspire and ignite Australia’s love of home renovation.
The NZ version had only two pairs initially so this sounds even more like The Block.
How is this different to House Rules? To me it seems extremely similar.
During a round table discussion with her colleagues of SWM’s sales leadership team and Mediaweek, 7RED director Katie Finney mentioned the sponsorship levels of Dream Home.
On our new format Dream Home, we have the most brands we have ever had on a new format. Because we are in a cost-of-living crisis people can’t afford to renovate their homes. They are looking to do some of the work themselves. Brands want to be part of that.
I feel like the promos have been uninspiring and unappealing. Also seems like this is a mismatch for Dr Chris Brown as host. Have a feeling this is going to flop.
I actually love the promos and the couples reactions. And Chris seems very warm in his interactions.
Saw promos of two more couples during Better Homes and Gardens on 7two tonight. One couple is from Northcote in inner north Melbourne.
“It’s a constant fight just to keep what you have”
Dream Home makes dreams come true
Seven’s brand-new competition series Dream Home , hosted by Dr Chris Brown**,** is set to change lives with some of the biggest renovations Australia has ever seen.
For so many Aussies, the great Australian dream has never felt so far away. Rising interest rates and building costs thwarted Sydney couple Lara and Peter’s plans of renovating their dilapidated home.
“The price of everything is going up, up and up. It’s a constant fight to keep what you have,” says Peter, who concedes the couple work around the clock to keep their heads above water.
The pair thought they’d never own their Dream Home. Until now.
Dream Home is set to take the home renovation genre to new heights, as six pairs of everyday Aussies battle it out room by room, transforming tired suburban family homes into astonishing new dream homes.
Following renovations in each state, the top three couples will have the opportunity to have their backyards completely made over with stunning gardens and outdoor living spaces.
The winning couple will not only receive their very own Dream Home plus a life-changing cash prize of $100,000.
A trio of expert judges – Lana Taylor of Three Birds Renovations, award-winning interior designer Rosie Morley, and top buyer’s agent Simon Cohen – will provide invaluable insight during the renovations before critiquing and scoring each new space in the stunning homes.
Produced by Endemol Shine Australia (A Banijay company), Dream Home will inspire and ignite Australia’s love of home renovation.
He does seem very awkward and robotic - especially without Julia or even Sonia.
Yep. Just feels like the same old format that’s been done to death under a new name.
One thing it’s not similar to is the original NZ format. The NZ one had two couples, each given a house that was usually reloacted to a new site, they had to renovate and increase the floor space. Both went to a live auction at the end but one would end up winning the house with the other couple having the option to buy their house.
Dr Chris is on the cover of Stellar magazine this Sunday.
I think they should wait. This is not screaming hit to me.
Remember when House Rules launched really soft, then grew and grew? That was also largely due to a very “hands on” strategy by Jo Griggs herself on Twitter. Grew organically.
loved house rules - wish they had of just kept that rather than playing with the format…