COVID-19: Discussion of Impact šŸ˜·

Restrictions announced by the prime minister today are the same as the ones announced by the NZ prime minister yesterday e.g. those flying in from overseas must self isolate for 14 days, cruise ships to stop arriving in ports etc.


PM Scott Morrison said he would talk to the RSL regarding arrangement for Anzac Day commemorations.

Those restrictions shouldā€™ve been put in place weeks ago particularly for those travelling from regions from which the virus originated.


I completely agree. Itā€™s clear that the first cases detected in Australia were from people travelling from those countries. That should have rung alarm bells and had them act immediately.


Any plans to have key on-air presenters doing their bits of TV from home (like with a simple green screen set-up or something)?

I mean such content wouldnā€™t look anywhere near as good as what weā€™ve come to expect from a professional television studio, but surely weā€™re about to reach the point where itā€™s something thatā€™ll have to be done or at the very least considered?

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Now, heā€™s advising that people should not shake hands with each other, after he has been seriously criticised for still doing it in recent days.

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Presenters will most certainly not be presenting from home set ups.
They are clearly the few who will require physical presence.


The government have been acting on the advice given to them by the CMOs (and other experts) and its been treated as a balancing act between containing the spread and allowing the country to function - the rapid increase in cases since the end of last week tips that balance towards containment. Avoiding panic and chaos is also important (although weā€™ve proven as a nation that that may be a lot more difficult to do).

Yes, we could have been a bit more agile - but we say that with the benefit of hindsight. The fact that the Government is following the advice being given is a good thing (although appearing to babysit them on television like Greg Hunt did on Insiders this morning isnt)

Things are moving quickly - what was right yesterday may not be right today and will probably be wrong tomorrow.


Exactly this. I donā€™t think the response would have been any different from what weā€™re seeing regardless of the federal government in power. Cases from inbound travel have only really started to pick up this week, and weā€™re still putting measures in place earlier than many other countries did at equivalent timelines of the outbreak.


This was in part due to bans on travel from certain parts of the world - whats changed in recent times is that its no longer a handful of Countries where there is potential vector, its rapidly become a lot broader.


Looks to a few more than 500 in the NRL crowd today

Open air ā€˜itā€™s fineā€™

Scott Morrison said ā€œas long as Australians keep being Australians weā€™ll get through this togetherā€ what the fuck does that mean? Itā€™s nonsense and lacks any substance. Jeeze he really is a moron that talks in slogans.


Iā€™ll have to go in tomorrow in order to see what Post is doing in terms of their plan. Obviously delivery services are going to be critical in getting supplies out to the masses in case of a mass lockdown, so Iā€™ll wait to see/hear what the plan is. I suppose if weā€™re still regarded as ā€œessential servicesā€ weā€™d need to be working as normal if we are fit for duty, so I guess Iā€™ll be heading to work as if itā€™s a normal day. Just how things are going to get from place to place should transport be restricted will be an issue that someone with more intelligence will come up with should the need arise. There have been assurances that weā€™re OK in terms of handling parcels but Iā€™ll probably have to look for my gloves just in case, something I havenā€™t done for years.

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Really prison time?

Anything is possible

That is going too far or by being eliminated.

Maybe but whatā€™s worse? Locking up someone who might have coronavirus and saving a community from possible transmission or letting them loose and infecting hundreds and thousands more?


If you just make it a fine, thereā€™ll be people who think they are above the restrictions or are too important to isolate themselves - and will just cop a fine.


I just knew some idiot would pull a gun in a shopping frenzy.

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