COVID-19: Discussion (2022 Onwards)

They’re trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone. The housing crisis and big pharma profits.

I don’t understand why they wanted to get rid off it.

They said something along the lines of that travel and hospital settings needed to reflect pre-pandemic levels.

and become super spreaders is my guess. It should have stayed, is the 5 day isolation rules staying on cruises as well?

I think the assumption is that enough people have had enough vaccinations by now to minimise the spread.

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masks stops the spread

No they don’t, they just limit it.


masks are still effective, we are still in a pandemic and by all it means its not over.

Yes but we need to move on from making people wear masks.

The pandemic is officially over too btw.

I feel like I’ve gone back in time 3 years on this debate! :rofl:


COVID is still out there, if it was erased I would say sure but unfortunately not there is cases of it in the community.

Masks should have become the new norm.

They got rid of the mask-wearing in hospitals in other states a while ago now. tbh, I don’t see why you would be so worried about it. It’s a personal choice now if you want to wear a mask.


I would only wear a mask if I was sick other wise no. masks shouldn’t be the new norm


because I do not trust people to do the right thing, and also I believe they ditched the mask wearing a little way too early last year. Maybe should have been ditched after September or even October.

It should be treated like the flu nowadays imo, if you have it, make a decision if you stay at home or keep doing your buisness.

I don’t really agree with the ‘COVID is still out there’ folk, sure cases of it still exist, but that was to be expected from the get-go, doesn’t mean we should have On and Off ‘snap’ lockdowns every week because there was 1 or 2 cases.

Not alot of people (including myself) would be fine with this happening, the era of masks should’ve ended many months ago, It is great that it is ending now tho
Masks should still be used in Hospitals where you want to prevent the spread to people already fighting various other conditions.

I know two people who got for the second time in the last fortnight. They both said it was like the flu this time around but more of a chest infection and cough than any other symptoms. :sneezing_face: In both cases, they had decided against getting the latest booster. Also, people around them, including in the same household, didn’t get infected.


You do realise we are way beyond this point now? Covid is out there whether you like it or not so there’s no longer any point in enforcing the masks. I think everyone’s hope now is that everyone (if this hasn’t already happened) will get it, it will develop very quickly while at the same time fading off into basically nothing.


I still mask up 99% of the time I venture out in public facing settings (work, shops etc). In some respects yes I’ve grown too attached to them, but in other ways I see the benefits. I believe they’ve assisted in not catching the usual amount of colds I generally get every year. And no I wouldn’t credit those around me for also doing ‘the right thing’ as the majority of people have re-adopted pre-covid habits (not being hygienic AND also coming to work while sick etc). Also very handy chin/face warmers in the colder months :stuck_out_tongue:

People have to realise each other person’s immune systems are different, for some its just another virus but for some it may feel like pneumonia. I don’t think its good to catch the virus over and over again, it may well wreck your immune system.

The only thing I used to like about wearing the mask when I was working was that I didn’t have to deal with hay fever as much but other then that it could be a pain at times until you got use to it. I went to see my uncle who is in hospital with terminal cancer and even in the ward where he was there was no mask requirement.

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No. Keep it a personal choice. Victoria is recording less than 1000 cases a week which is better than during the pandemic when there was almost 10k a week. Most people are vaccinated now so there isn’t much spread.