COVID-19: Discussion (2022 Onwards)

I like the fldxibility beczuse when the weather is great I can go for a swim st the beach at lunchtime or do whatever else I want. But generally, I hate the lack of social interaction working at home.

I was looking forward to going back to the office, but that novelty wore off pretty quick. After the morning routine and commute I get the the office and start the day exhausted.
And there is always one guy in the office with a traveling voice which is very distracting. All the meetings are still online when I’m sitting in the office anyway, so I don’t see the point.

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I’m someone who is happy to work in the office, but it’s dumb for businesses to require it when so many proved it was perfectly possible and viable to do WFH during lockdowns.

The people who got to spend time with their families instead of 2 hour commutes have in many cases left to work for employers who continue to allow them that flexibility, rather than come back to the office once we mandated it, and there’s no amount of pizza nights that make that up.

I think there’s a somewhat justified point about new staff, a lot of roles the training/mentorship is best provided in person, but once someone’s shown themselves as able to do the job that’s all that should matter.

Plus, on balance I’d rather have a bunch of smaller local businesses around where people live be sustainable and thrive, rather than get a booming CBD at the expense of all else.

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I’m exactly the same as this. Especially the meetings. Because people do different days in the office (by choice) all meetings are still virtual.

No I haven’t . It seems to have eased off now whatever it was .

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3 years since a funeral in the family. They passed a week earlier and we made the decision to return before this day to ensure we didn’t get stuck…


I had my 5th COVID vaccination yesterday and I’m pleased to say the side effects are much milder than shots 1, 3 and 4!

I had a few aches this morning, but paracetamol got rid of that, there is a little bit of fatigue now, but that is it! No chills or nausea this time around (so far!).

My 5th one was Moderna.


Strange how this works. My first two were AZ and the next three were Moderna. I had no side affects whatsoever except for no. 4, which was my second Moderna shot. Weird.


Yeah I guess it’s like with how people react differently to the virus itself. Some don’t even know they’ve got it, yet others die from it.


I had my fourth dose of vaccine (Moderna) in March, and the side effects were more severe than the third dose, with sore left arm and headache. I had to have Panadol to help me sleep for two nights.

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Even though the pandemic is officially over, I’m still seeing a lot of people wearing masks… i wonder if these are those with health issues / compromised immune systems, or those who won’t get vaccinated or have booster shots?


Think its moreso lots of sickness going around atm. I know a bunch of people who have had COVID over the last few weeks/months.
I still try wear a mask on public transport because I don’t want to go through COVID again.


Dr Feelgood (Dr Sally) was on Sunrise last weekend telling everyone to wear masks due to the flu. So i’d say a lot of it is that, not just covid.

I havent been wearing one, but im tempted.


I have had 5 COVID shots and the flu jab just a few weeks ago, so I’m comfortable with that. Each to their own of course.

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Yeh. Ive had 4 and the flu jab. Tempted probably the wrong word. But I did think about it. But again, havent lol

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I think there has been an acceptance that wearing a mask if you’re unwell and unable to isolate is somewhat normal (a bit like it is in many asian nations)

That said, there is some pretty nasty colds and flu variants getting around at the moment - lots of reports of RSV as well. I spent the best part of May sick with something that wasn’t a common cold and wasn’t covid either.

Hope you are feeling better now!
Do you know what it was?

No, it took so long to get in to see a doctor that it wasn’t worth testing as I’d got better.