Has anyone seen the death tally in Australia lately? It’s so sad that we as a country have moved on and are just accepting these deaths. They aren’t being mentioned in mainstream media at all. I knew we would be at this stage at some point but actually being here is a strange feeling.
We’ll probably start getting daily updates of ‘flurona’ cases and deaths soon.
The pandemic is barely making the news at a time when cases are escalating. Heard a brief mention this afternoon on radio that cases had doubled this week. Surely that’s significant.
This has coincided with my closest family members contracting it in the past week (parents and sister) and a number of workmates, including my boss and his family.
Have we just given up?
I don’t know what else we can do about it but it just feels so much like “oh well”.
Treating all deaths equal. Exactly as it should be.
COVID has largely been going in 12 week waves for 2 years now. Up 6 weeks down 6 weeks.
If it’s going up now in 6 weeks it will be coming down. That’s largely the cycle
There was always going to be an end to the elasticity of people’s tolerance for restrictions and this part of the world lasted with those longer than most.
Majority of people have accepted that with vaccine protection and masks where desired or required, that’s the best you can do. I don’t deny we are still in a pandemic but it’s now about people’s own risk assessment as to how they approach their daily lives.
Seems so.
Given in the UK they don’t even need to isolate if they have it anymore and they have not reversed that decision even with the ups and downs of the waves.
We’ll surely be not that far off. Now that there’s no close contact and you can continue to go to work etc people are becoming more accepting of it all and just getting on with life.
My new thing is… if you don’t test you don’t know. Blissful ignorance.
WA Health said there were 17,033 infections in the 24 hours to 8pm Tuesday, a 37 per cent increase on the old record set the previous day.
By comparison, NSW and Victoria – which have significantly larger populations than WA – reported 12,265 and 13,973 cases respectively today.
Was always going to happen. The virus has had its claws through NSW and VIC for two years. WA was always going to be a major new breeding ground. So many clean bodies for it attack.
It’s interesting though. WA has had a higher total case amount than SA for about a week now. And they still have half the amounts of deaths. Which really proves their plan worked. The triple vaccination target was a smart one.
Now this is a place that will really struggle with a COVID outbreak, and it looks like unfortunately it’s already happening.
No doubt not a single civilian has been vaccinated either. Very sad.
No doubt the ego of the dictatorship in North Korea wouldn’t let them be vaccinated with some ‘American poison’. Sad but unsurprising.