Community Television

Has the CTV+ App on Android died? For a few weeks all that happens is the spinning circles whizzing around the CTV+ logo.

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Just tested on iOS and yep, app appears dead from here too.

The App Store reviews seem to suggest it has been offline for quite some time.

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Channel 31 Community Service Announcement with Rob Sitch and Andrew Denton, from Sept 2001.


September 2001, Channel 31 promos/advertisements. Noticeboard / Fifteen Fabulous Minutes

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EFL Footy Channel 31 jingle, form 2001

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They should break their limitations and finally let them convert to HD if they want to.


this whole “until better use of the spectrum” bullshit continues though.

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Clearly there is still a need and want for community television in both Melbourne and Adelaide.

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Still beating a dead horse I see.

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Great News for Community television.

Its a shame that Sydney, Brisbane and Perth don’t have this platform.

I really think a community based channel world really work in Western Sydney. But its probably too late to resurrect.


My understanding is the spectrum is no longer reserved for community TV outside of Melbourne and Adelaide.


Has it actually been carved out now for other uses?

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It’s the same as it has been, the “sixth channel”, which is going to sit dormant for years to come.

The problem is mainly just how much investment confidence can a Community channel have with no knowledge of when they might decide to allocate that, which is I think the main thing that did WTV/TVS/31 Brisbane in.

More space for 5G looms as the main thing, but that could be a few years or over a decade away.


I really can’t understand why we are still yet to see a smart TV App for Community TV from the various App stores? Then the need for costly DVB transmission (restricted to SD single channel only) and costly maintenance for the remaining transmitters which are end of life can be alleviated by switching them off.
Yes, there is an App for smart phones, not smart TV’s, why dragging the chain?


From when I tried to use the CTV+ android app a few months back, it doesn’t work. If it’s not buffering, it’s crashing. Can’t imagine they’re going to have any luck getting it going on a TV.
Neither iOS or Android apps have been updated in five months. The website works fine though.


Proposal to vary the Melbourne television licence area plan

We would like to vary the Melbourne television licence area plan (TLAP). We want to remove the allotment end dates for the community TV broadcasting service C31.

The current end date is 30 June 2024. This will allow C31 to continue to broadcast past the end of June 2024.