Some pretty incredible rainfall totals coming out of Nth Qld.
In Townsville, in the 24 hours to 9am
9am today - 260 mm
9am yesterday - 284 mm
already today another 67mm
And in the forecast up to another 370 mm between tomorrow and Saturday
So it’s likely there’ll be 1 metre of rain by the time this event is done with.
Just hope somehow the flooding isn’t as bad as it was in 2019.
I’m worried that where my friend lives,she’s very close to the river and lives in a ground floor flat. I stayed at her place over a year ago when I was minding her cat when she was away. I thought even then it wouldn’t take much rain for that whole area to be badly flooded. I’m sure she was told to evacuate ,she’s got other friends there who might live in a safer area where she can stay for now
Now dangerous thunderstorms have ripped through Geelong and parts of the Mornington Peninsula, with more popping up in western Vic (where out of control bushfires are already burning and authorities were worried about dry lightning and gusty wind changes).
Intense rainfall saw over 30mm cause serious flash flooding and building damage in Lara over a 30min period. Several BOM and Vic Emergency warnings active.
There’s also an out of control grass fire that’s just popped up a few kilometres away from me near The Briars Park, 17 CFA appliances dispatched, an Advice alert issued and VicRoads have closed the highway. Holy moly, scary as, as we’ve seen what can happen with The Grampians and Little Desert plus my area is urbanised and populated.
And all workers/students are back at work/school by tomorrow and Tuesday, if they weren’t already last week, no RDO for tradies until the following Monday either.
WTF is going on in Australia at the moment!? Stay safe everyone
Geelong is getting absolutely belted at the moment. Seems like they have had significant microburst activity. Look at the radar! The Vic emergency is lit up like a Xmas tree.
Got a mate trying to get out of Avalon tonight on the last flight to Sydney. Seems like it’s going to be cancelled with these slow moving cells in the area.
Looks like it’s now the far north, floods between Cairns to Townsville is causing issues with getting supermarkets loads up, Cairns seems to have next to no fresh items at the moment.
Probably time to spend some money fixing up the Bruce to withstand all this. Would probably be a multi decade job but it needs to be done.
Really need council, state and federal governments to sit down and review the area between Cairns to Townsville. Cardwell is always going to be vulnerable unless some works are taken to somewhat reduce the blow in future events.
Rail and Road needs to be a top priority. I’ve got family up that way and all the supermarkets are still bare empty. Restaurants are struggling to open now as they exhaust supply.
It’s a long game and would probably take a decade of serious investment and time to get the Bruce and associated rail up to standard.
It looks like Australia’s bushfires, for the first time in many weeks, are all at their lowest threat level. There are now no watch and act warnings, let alone emergency warnings, they’re all now only advice warnings. This includes the two huge national park blazes in western Victoria as well as several much smaller ones such as at the Otways on the Great Ocean Rd; Wilmington National Park north of Adelaide; north-west Tasmania near Cradle Mountain and a few bushfires in Western Australia.
NSW RFS have sent even more contingents down south, as authorities look to get on top, in significantly cooler conditions.
RFS have also send contingents far north to the Qld flood zones.
An oldie but a goodie, Al Gore’s famous graph of CO2 in the atmosphere correlating with predicted global temperatures. The levels produced by the industrialised world far surpasses anything from the last several ice ages.
@SamuelGS There’s no denying that humans (or rather, global mega corporations that burn all the fossil fuels) are connected to climate change.
There’s plenty of denying it. What Al Gore neglected to mention in his wonderful mockumentary is that CO2 levels follow temperature, they don’t lead it.
There’s also the fact that meteorological organisations have been manipulating (or “homogenising” as they call it) old temperature data to appear cooler than it actually was, thus giving a false appearance of excessive modern warming, thus Al Gore’s graph (the “hockey stick” graph) was very wrong on modern temperature rise.
A post from a blog site whose content reads like something written by Pepe Silva, versus worldwide scientific consensus formed by decades of research and double checking results, doesn’t do much convincing
You seem as impressed with my sources as I am with the so-called “global consensus” which the climategate emails back in 2009 quite readily proved was manipulating data so that governments would continue to fund them.
Let’s just say that we both find the other’s sources unconvincing, and we’re not going to convince each other of much of anything.
Sadly bushfire emergencies now in Tasmania. Very surprised there’s little media coverage, yet.
More than 20 blazes burning in the state’s north-west, many out of control, a few emergency warnings issued.
Multiple agencies including the CFA and RFS (a lot of both already tied-up in Western Vic fires) heading in a convoy with various resources via Geelong and Spirit of Tas ship down to the apple aisle to set-up a 150 strong base camp. Thoughts with the beautiful region.
I wonder if the upcoming season 3 of Alone Australia was filmed in that part of Tasmania last year. The SBS press release said the show was set amongst the West Coast Ranges.
Lots of smoke from them today, pouring out into the Southern Ocean. They’ll probably only get coverage once the smoke reaches Hobart or Launceston. A sad sight when Tassie is probably our last relative refuge from climate change.
That part of the world shouldn’t burn all that often as it’s such a wet climate and so the vegetation isn’t as fire resistant as on the mainland. Lightning induced fires such as these were also historically pretty rare.
There is a strong cold front forecast which will hopefully bring some rain to the area on the weekend (even snow possible).