Climate, Weather and Emergencies

7.4 earthquake off Taiwan - 6.4 aftershock 13 minutes later


Here is how the earthquake played out on several live news programmes in Taiwan.

Plus how NHK in Japan covered the tremor and subsequent tsunami warning (some southern Japanese islands were also mildly impacted).


All that text on the screen in the first video makes Nine News QLD look understated and plain.

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They did pretty well to stay on air tbh.

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Buckle up, looks like we’re in for a wet weekend on the east coast.


Channels David Letterman

It has rained so much… so much… that you can tune your radios to the rainfall totals.


Followed by … Wet Wet Wet.


You mean

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I’m sure there’s a whole Top 40 countdown we could do about wet weather songs

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Except in Southern California :wink:

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Sounds like a Mystery 9@9 theme!

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“This is one of the largest earthquakes on the east coast in the last century,”


Similar to Melbourne’s experience.

Not sure what the recent obsession is with the ‘rain bomb’ term, I guess it sounds more dramatic. For some reason it doesn’t exist the the meteorology dictionary…hmmm

Good on Tom Saunders on the abc for calling out this stupid word on 24 the other day and advising what the correct term is!

I guess ‘East Coast Low’ just doesn’t get everyone’s attention like the ol’ rain bomb.


I guess it just aligns with other modern terms like “F bomb”, people don’t care too much for correct terminology - if they like the sound of something, they’ll use it regardless of what any expert says.

I guess it’s just the normal with weather. Also making an appearance is normally ‘unprecedented’, ‘never seen before’, ‘extreme’
…and it goes on.

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Yes they over hype those terms even when it’s nowhere near that in reality.

At Nine News Sydney didn’t use any of that in tonight’s flood reports, just “the 7th flood in 18 months”'- I much prefer this factual way of reporting, as least it’s useful and meaningful.

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I’m finding that there seems to be an increase in catastrophising weather events this year.

Last week SEQ was repeatedly warned about rain events that emphasised the possibility of flash flooding. Nothing eventuated and there were clear skies mostly. These events were described as delivering up to 25 mm of rain which hardly seems notable. Is the bureau trying to cover itself or are media just looking for stories - everyone loves to talk about the weather.

This image is Charleville by the way.

Seems like it will be windy in Sydney today!