Climate, Weather and Emergencies

Normal dew point here for Feb is about 22 deg but yesterday was 28 deg ! .

Think it will go down in the next week .

Mowing the lawn i was drenched i was able to hold my tshirt and wring sweat out of it .

Had to change shirts after dinner as i was sweaty again. Didn’t stop sweating until i was under a fan not moving.

I’m ok as long as I’m under a fan . We have air con in the front lounge and main bedroom but I don’t use it…


You must be made of pretty stern stuff. I think I’d be needing air con in humidity that high.

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Coral sea has something brewing again. This should be the last one for a little bit. Come back later this week to see what the models say, looks like late next week. Could go in any direction all models not lining up yet.

Regardless, more rain on the way.



Dew points have dipped below 20 for the first time in a while!

Quite pleasant outside now, even if it’s overcast, windy (a nice southerly is blowing) and drizzly!

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“13 Inches Of Rain In 72 Hours” is a lot for especially a dry place like LA.


Most of central and eastern NSW were hit by remnants of cyclone Kirrily yesterday.

I, for one, am happy with Kirrily.

We’ve only had about 10 mm of rain, but the cooler temps, southerly breeze and lower Dew points have been most welcome here.

You can thank the post-trough southerly airmass for that, not Kirrily. Kirrily was packing a lot of tropical humidity even down here; my windscreen was fogging up instantly on Monday.

Bass Strait air made a long lost return to Bungendore this morning: clear skies, low humidity and temperatures reaching six degrees. Maximum about 20C despite the sunshine which goes down as our first ‘autumn teaser’. I don’t expect these conditions will become normal until at least late March, however.

So in 8 weeks time if sea surface temps do not cool down I assume record heat into April in Qld ? Another warm winter?

Every day is 30 deg last month 27 days in the low 30’s , triple the average .

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Melbourne has just had another earthquake :flushed:


Time to play that Non Stop Dancers song again.

In other news, 4.7C here this morning. That’s not unheard of for February though; I have seen as low as 3C. It’s the first sub 5C morning for a long time, though.

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Brisbane has been cloudy and miserable today, and barely topped out at 27. And I for one am loving it after what we’ve had over the last two months


Feels like I live in a dragon pit! My car outside temp registered 50c for the first time ever, hottest before was 48c but yea was 44c once outside the car park!

So am I ,I’m not complaining


Another quake overnight.


Large parts of Melbourne’s south eastern suburbs were hit by power outage late this afternoon, as the result of thunderstorms.

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