Central Coast Radio

I do remember discussing that, but wouldn’t know where to start searching for the discussion, I’m not sure I mentioned 107.7 specifically though, because I wouldn’t have been listening to that station at any time, I remember saying they were causing interference across a number of stations but can’t remember what ones?

It did get fixed, though it took some time (couple of months I think it might have been), the issue might have resurfaced again?

I probably wont remember to check/test next time I’m going past to or from work either.

Actually I found it & they were interfering across the AM band https://forums.mediaspy.org/t/community-radio/510/898?u=rfburns not sure if @Radiohead checked the FM band at the time & maybe you did find it interfering on 107.7?
Maybe there was interference another time too, where it was found on 107.7?