Community Radio

Regarding Lake Macquarie FM being off air, which they were for almost 2 weeks (being Live), were on backup tape for most of the 2 weeks.

Since getting their STL antenna replaced & getting back on air live, on 2nd March, I’ve noticed strong interference on the AM band with a pulsating like electrical arc (as if they were using an old Spark Gap TX), it also distorts the audio on the AM channel, & is very noticeable on 1143 & 1233 (I haven’t tested others) for I guess roughly 1KM either side of the TX, with the strongest interference around the intersection of the road where the TX is located.

The interference does seem to be stronger, & goes further to the North of the TX site, rather than South, which leads me to think they are spewing out interference across who knows how much spectrum, & it’s stronger to the North, because that’s the way their antenna throws the signal most.

If anyone’s around that area & has some time to test & see how much of the AM band gets this interference, & if there’s Lake Mac FM audio on any frequencies across the FM band would be good, because I don’t have the time to do it right now.

If I can get a second opinion with some further evidence, I’ll confront them with it to look at the TX.

I don’t think it’s just interference from the power lines, as there’s no reason for it to just start & end at a certain point along the power lines, & also the fact the interference didn’t start occurring until the the point just after they started broadcasting live again.