Carols in the Domain

Kochie did a live cross to Blake Johnson during the opening segment of Seven News Melbourne this evening.

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How long has Disney been promoting Carols in the Domain for

too long :stuck_out_tongue:

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Why does Kochie always have to wear some dreadful outfit during the telecast? This year’s very well might make the “grandmother’s couch” one from last year and the year before look half decent!


Hopefully Nat and Kochie will have some good chemistry and banter to make up for that lacklustre costume (if you can call it that).


The organisers are copping flak on social media for the fireworks at the end of the carols, despite the current bushfires and a Total Fire Ban in Sydney.


Lacklustre is not a word I would use to describe that suit :wink: The chemistry was fine, except for that one moment when Kochie called Nat ‘Sam.’

I thought the fireworks, which were just the spraying kind that don’t launch, were a good compromise between celebrating and the risk. They wouldn’t have gone ahead with them if there was a genuine risk.


I thought the “I can feel a Winter Wonderland coming on” comment from Nat was ridiculous (nearly as bad as “It’s getting rather chilly, I reckon it could even snow” from either Kochie or Sam a few years back) but other than that, she was the least cringeworthy of the two presenters IMO.

I probably would’ve preferred it if Mark Beretta was Nat’s male co-host for the night instead of Kochie. Then again, maybe Beretts felt that presenting Sport on Seven News at Five/Sydney at 6pm wasn’t as demanding as a three hour or so telecast on-location.

As well as the fireworks, I’d probably also say that having actual lit candles may have been a questionable decision and (I know there’ll probably be those who’ll disagree with this one) perhaps they even should’ve leaned towards the idea of cancelling this year’s Carols In The Domain altogether in favour of donating any money that would’ve been spent on the event towards a worthwhile bushfire relief appeal.

But putting all of that aside, Twitter commentary was by far the most entertaining part of the night! :stuck_out_tongue:


When did Carols In The Domain return to Saturday? Wasn’t it on Sundays for the last few years?

I’m pretty sure that Carols In The Domain returned to Saturday nights last year.


Yep, pretty sure it moved to Sundays for 2016 and 2017 only.


Like the Salvos… who are doing much to support bush fire victims and are the recipient of funds raised by Carols each year?!

I thought they struck the right balance. Having the event continue and also regularly mentioning and taking stock of the situation around the nation.


I suspect staging it on a Sudnay Night was a failed experiment. I hated that move because it wasn’t friendly to those wanting to come from out of town.

The official reason for the changed was “To allow more families to come” No it was all about TV Ratings for Channel 7.

What’s the chances that they were booked and paid for several months ago?

Have to say this is the first time in many years that I didn’t watch, so everything I’m saying is coming from information I have gotten second hand but it sounds to me like it was a complete fart in church

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A lot of people complained that Sunday Night was difficult to have a late night out, when they had to work the next day. Which is fair enough if you’re travelling an hour or more to get to the city.

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Why don’t we just cancel everything then? I’m sure they would have been able to do something on the night and through the corporate backers as well as maintain Christmas spirit and help the less fortunate (under normal circumstances). Why does the so called solution have to be “Let’s Cancel It” every time which only gets blood boiling for those who want to be able to help and celebrate at the same time?


Because most of those saying “Cancel It” don’t have the brainpower to come up with a solution.

With the announcement that Adelaide’s Carols By Candlelight has been cancelled, you’d have to imagine that Carols in the Domain in virus-riddled Sydney (well, the situation is currently worse here than in SA…) is likely to be cancelled for 2020?

If by some miracle the event does go ahead, I’d probably expect it to be in a considerably reduced form! Although knowing how the format of CITD hasn’t really evolved much in decades (different sponsors and Channel Seven personalities as hosts, but that’s about it really! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:), I reckon they could get away with replaying an old telecast or doing a “Best of” special.

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Virus riddled Sydney? Please. Cut the dramatics.


Since its hosted by the Sunrise team (or parts of) for some time now, why not just have them host the Carols from “Brekky Central”? :stuck_out_tongue:


Is that you, Annastacia?