Carols in the Domain

Cue the obvious troll commentaries :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The ratings are out for last night…and they’re not good with some big drops in most metro markets.

Without republishing the exact figures (since Media Spy won’t get them until tomorrow at the earliest), Sydney lost almost 60k viewers on last year. There was also a drop of over 50k in Melbourne, while the telecast scored less than 100k in the three smaller metro markets.

Others may disagree but personally, I think Seven needs to consider only airing Carols in the Domain on the main channel in Sydney/NSW with the other states getting it on 7TWO (either on the same night or a more delayed airing closer to Christmas), similar to what they do with Adelaide’s Carols By Candlelight.

And what do you suggest they air on the main channel in the other states?


No thanks.
My family in Qld enjoy the Carols in the Domain every year on the main channel.
Top non news program of the night so it’s doing fine…


Perhaps a Christmas-themed movie or some other form of alternative programming? Seven seemed to manage Tuesday night OK with the Adelaide carols only airing in that market and different post-cricket content for the rest of the country.

As spw68 said, top rating show of the night. It’s not an issue.


Also Perth i think was still 34 degrees at 8pm so everyone was outside swimming :joy:

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Since one user of a ratings box represents about 1000 viewers, it’s quite possible that all Perth viewers of Carols in the Domain 2018 were Seven West Media employees and a particular former member of these forums! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Only joking of course, I’m well aware that people who work in the industry would not be eligible to become members of the OzTam ratings family and I’d imagine they’d also to tests to ensure that overly loyal viewers of any one network don’t get in.

It was stunning! :joy:

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Carols in the Domain is currently being repeated on 7TWO.

And again on Christmas Day on 7


Wonder if it’s just the price that has to be paid for the fact that it’s a free event. Unlike Candlelight which is ticketed

Absolutely. It’s 100,000+ people in then domain versus approx 10,000 in the Sidney Myer Music Bowl.

It’s not comparing the same product other than the fact that there are carols sung.

The 2019 event will be held on December 21.


What a boring announcement.

Since when have any Carols been exciting. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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At least Carols by Candlelight doesn’t need to make announcements - it’s the same singers year in year out singing the same carols/songs.

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They could show a repeat from any of the past few years and nobody would be able to tell the difference. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It’s one of those Melbourne things that I don’t understand. Maybe @BJT2 will explain it to me one day. I suspect that they get comfort in familiarity?