Big Brother

I still don’t like it lol. It’s not the way the format should have been done. No theme song to tie into its brand history, not live, the house is a TV set this year where you can see rigging and set lighting in the roof as apposed to past seasons it was a proper house.
Sonia is back which I’m not a fan of either. They kept the worst part and got rid of the good of the show.

They are trying to make it MAFS meets survivor and I don’t like it.


Never watched the original. Would watch this based on that


lol that is what has got you all hyped?
It’s like something out of a parody of reality shows.


Sam Mac and Sonia Krugar were doing segments from the Big Brother house for Sunrise this morning. Doing cheesy challenges that the housemates had done. It was, well, overhyped.

Proof will be in the pudding in the first week. But credit where credit is due, that sneak peak looked interesting for some of us, so it’s done what it was intending to do.


I’d say thats the exact approach they are going for. The traditional format has been axed twice, they cant rely on the die hards to pay the bills. The focus need to be finding a new audience.

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You can’t just rely on getting a new audience for a show that’s already been on for 11 seasons. You have to get the diehards in as well instead of alienating them if you want your show to be a hit.


Exactly. C5 ignored the diehards when they took over BBUK and openly said they were after the more “casual” viewer and no surprise they almost instantly lost half the shows viewers and ratings continued going downwards throughout their time.

I think like how us BBUK fans view the original home of C4 that if Big Brother Australia was to return to Ten one day (and it seems inevitable that eventually it’ll find it’s way there) that more people would be willing to give it a shot than with 7 or 9 taking the reigns.

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This V/O guy sounds very similar to this years voice.

The concept does not seem to be the BB we have known in the past. Interesting promos. Interesting range of contestants not seen this sort of range before. BB was all singles in their 20s chasing fame.

Anyone else think they should have possibly gone with a new name. Might have appealed to more people especially the older demos/family.

The concept might have some legs but I think it might have been good for Seven to secure its own name/rights if it takes off. Clearly there is a lot of turnoff from people when you mention the BB name. The brand isn’t overly strong in my book.

Like. I just came up with this but “The Circle”?

This could be a one off run we don’t know. There had obviously been large changes within Seven Management when they took the rights to this compared to today.

After this week’s promos and Sunrise appearances, there is still little to no hype at all for this show. Social media engagements are extremely low.

It’s starting right in the middle of Masterchef’s run and 2 weeks into The Voice. Where’s the audience for Big Brother going to come from when two heritage shows that are rating are on?


I think it’s largely a brand issue. Interest is quite low in the brand, it’s dead. It’s been done to death. The controversy on the show has been done to death. There is a sour taste in regards to the brand in many peoples minds. Mention the name in my household and it’s just negative thoughts.

While the new concept is quite interesting and I think might have some legs under a new brand.

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Would they have payed millions to secure the rights just for a one off?

Initially I was keen to see what Ch7 did with BB but then I started to get a bit bored with the adverts for all the housemates. Now after seeing that 4 min clip I’m back on board again. Hopefully this show will do well for Ch7. They certainly need to have something go right for them.


The premiere has been extended until 9:18pm.


No surprises there. Has any opening night of any reality show ever fiinish on their original scheduled finishing time? Lol


See this still annoys me. It should have been used in the show, it would have made people tune in to see the reactions and also it ties in perfectly to the whole mind playing thing of people in lockdown.

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