Big Brother

And that’s where it stopped. Nothing between the ears. Haha


He only needs something between the legs…


Well that escalated quickly! Lol!

Hahahahah true.
But from what I’ve heard though. It ain’t much :joy:

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BBUSA is a different show now really to what it was then, even if the basic format is the same. They’ve had much more public involvement in recent years and have a bit more fun with it than they used too.

As you say though BB Canada is worth a look - a very well produced show and they have so much more fun with it. If Seven were truly to follow this format for an Australian audience I think it would be much more in style like the Canadian version than the US.

Is Angus Ross naive or does he not understand/get that by confirming BB will be pre-recorded, it’s going to alienate the ‘super-fans’ he claims he doesn’t want to alienate??


Pre recorded could mean the day before . Wasn’t it just the evictions that were live on 9 ?

I know that the Eviction Shows for the Canadian BB are filmed earlier in the afternoon, before airing in prime-time

If that what they mean by pre-recorded, then I don’t hate that

From the tvtonight article posted by @Jeffmister

Angus Ross said:

I wonder what websites he reads?


Just for the record I haven’t claimed to know where the series was being filmed (and in fact have credited other people when that angle has been spoken about) but I was pleased to see him confirm my exclusive that the series would not be live.

So far my sources have been on the money, although I agree there would still be a lot of decisions taking place as we speak.


I take his comment as “not being live” could just mean pre recorded evictions.
The big brother daily shows were never live. Hence that could be what this comment refers to and meaning there will be no live feeds.


The thing is that there should be live stream feeds again, it makes for a greater interaction on social media which benefits them & more entertainment for us.


I don’t agree but we shall see

as long as the housemates are in the house while the show is going on, i agree - we don’t need live evictions or live nominations. BUT at least give us a 24/7 live stream of the house on 7plus

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I know you have no reason to believe me (except for the fact my intel is usually pretty good), but they are not doing the old 24 hour turnaround. Everything I’m hearing suggests the show will be done-and-dusted before episode one airs.

Why not do 2 short series?
One pre-recorded to generate interest again then another series later in the year promoted as BB Live

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Because making a terrible season first is going to make people want to come back for a second. 7 will lose all credibility with BB fans if they stuff it up first go.


Does anyone think this might have done well if 10 ran a reboot season with Gretel as the host. I reckon you would get that whole generation from early last decade back watching.


If any network launched is with Gretel as the original host and the original format then there would be some initial interest. However, that initial interest wouldn’t last long. Look at nines first season. It did really well. I just think viewers are a little tired of the same formats coming back all the time. Heritage brands just haven’t really worked. Young Talent Time, it’s a knockout, Hey Hey, Big Brother, Dancing with the Stars, Changing Rooms have all failed (and I am sure there are plenty more). Viewers want something different. The most successful shows in recent times have been new brands. I can’t think of a heritage brand that has been a huge knockout success.

I wasn’t proposing they stuff it up, I was simply suggesting an idea.