So does that mean Panorama is finished for good?

Seems a bit excessive just because of the Diana interview. Perhaps someone more experienced or knowledgeable in this area can fill me in on why this has caused so much attention.

I believe it’s just the interview episode

It’s related to a High Court ruling:


No. It is just the interview program that won’t be shown again.


Can’t see this mentioned anywhere, but


and yet the BBC wants to merge their two news channels together, and move CBBC online to save money. :roll_eyes:

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Agreed, this ain’t BBC type programming, at this point they might as well bid for Big Brother and Love Island while they’re at it.


BBC One launches its Christmas presentation tonight after World Cup coverage and before a Strictly Come Dancing. The idents are based on the upcoming animated adaptation of Charlie Mackesy’s children’s bestseller The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse, which is their mainstay for its festive programming. The new idents dispense the lens for a while, and follow a strategy Channel 4 employed for many years as they commissioned some festive animations (like The Snowman and the Snowdog).


I have to wonder whether there will actually be no broadcasts in the future. I feel like there will always be some people who would just like to switch on the radio or television and watch what’s on rather than having to connect to apps and flick through endless menus to find something they want.

Maybe we’ll go back to the days of when there was one BBC channel that screens news, big events and highlights and then all other content is available online.


You’d think that will be the eventual outcome. How many people can receive it in 20 years remains to be seen.

Personally I think there was also be a need for traditional tv. Not everyone has access to the internet not, but times are changing I guess. I know some friends of mine have already cut the chord with free to air and just watch videos through YouTube as their main source of entertainment alongside with other video on demand apps. (None of them are any of the Free to air channel apps)


I know some who are like that but I also know more who only watch free to air and have never subscribed to streaming services. I think there will always be some like that for one reason or another. If the option was no broadcasts then these people will probably not bother with anything and thus lost to broadcasters and advertisers.


Well, it’s not really its role to compete with a multi-national in Netflix? That would be a race to the broke house.

UPDATE 14/2/2023