Australian Survivor

A good move last night to commit regicide as Luke would have been a very strong contender to win had he made the final.

In the final week a reunion episode at 9pm will follow the final at 7.30pm.

On the Sunday episode, one of the cruelest twists will be used where the challenge winner instead of immunity gets an advantage to eliminate a member of the jury at tribal council. So some poor jury member who thought they had made the jury and were going to participate in the voting and possibly get their revenge for being eliminated will be cut.

The end game of this season is so obvious. All the good players have gone one by one since the merge. Obviously Lockie is gone the second he doesn’t win immunity. We will literally have the floaters or the sheep in the top 4 or 5. Not that I mind as the more strategical players were pretty much all over the place and made stupid decisions… but to have the likes of Pete and Ziggy who have done nothing logically strategic all season, Jericho who just shadowed Luke all season and Tara who has already been voted out once already still there at the end is kind of hilarious. Michelle I do feel has earnt her spot moreso because she has stuck to her guns and fought for her spot a few times now.

Whilst we had a few good post merge episodes, this show is getting incredibly painful as we get closer to the end. These episodes are just dragging out more and more with less cotestants. With so few contestants they should have a reward and immunity episodes every ep and stick to 60 minutes. We basically have 20 minutes of Tara wanting to rid of Lockie which never eventuates, then post tribal all the strategy talk seems to flip flop around. Maybe it’s just bad editing. I find by the time they we are at Tribal I’m screaming for the episode to just be over and done with.

I assume this has also happened in a previous season of Survivor in the US? The unlucky contestant who was cut from the jury would not appear again until the reunion.

Season 32 Survivor: Kaôh Rōng — Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty. The eventual winner got rid of a jury member who later revealed they would have voted for one of the other finalists.

Well there we go… that’s how they are making up the extra episode. I knew some stupid twist like this was still to come. Given Jeff said it was the type of twist they wanted to try once but probably wouldn’t do again, of course our version then goes and uses it. Also the main reason they ended up going ahead with it in US was because there were so many medical evacuations that season (3) so they wanted to make up for it as they had an extra challenge they didn’t use.

No, we did not add it after due to medical evacuations. We had talked about this idea for many years. It just felt too soon to do it seven years ago so we waited. And waited. And I think the timing was right. In the studio at CBS the audience had a pretty big reaction to it and that was fun to hear.

Of course Jeff will say that to remove any potential accusations of producer intervention but I don’t know if I believe that. Pretty much both the few seasons prior to this and after this have had 5 or 6 people remaining in the finale. Kaoh Rong only had 4 in the last episode due to med evacuations. There were at least 2 or 3 challenges they never did because of it. Rather than stretch out a 2 hour finale they threw this in. I do believe it was something they had considered for a while but regardless of what Jeff says I think at some point they threw it in as abit of a back up.

Plus they havn’t done it since and I hope they never do. This is one of them that should stay out of the game. The whole point of Survivor is trying to convince those who voted you out to then vote for you to win. Voting someone off the jury just isn’t right.

Still basking in the delight that was the Luke boot. I hated him since the beginning with his stupid OTT antics and screen hogging. I can handle OTT characters in Survivor but Luke was so one dimensional and everything was the same shit every episode. I’m the King. Yes Luke, the King of stupid moves.

I loved that immunity challenge. Great to see another unique challenge instead of endurance/stamina. That’s one thing Survivor has gotten right this year.

I have an awful sinking feeling Jericho may win. At this point I honestly hate him almost as Luke, probably even more so because at least Luke managed to justify his existence by actually making moves and not hiding in the darkness. He’s made zero moves by himself and his stupid fucking analogies do my head in. Drowning kittens, gathering armies enough pipsqueak. It isn’t endearing it’s tiresome and creepy. I also don’t like how JLP always defers to him at tribal. I can’t remember if Krusty got the same treatment last year, but all this visibility at crucial moments has me worried.

I feel like Michelle is going to flame out soon. I really want her to win but I’m not sure how she can. I feel like Jericho would chuck her to the wolves first. I can also see the others viewing her as an easy boot when they can’t get rid of someone they originally wanted.

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Koah Rong also had less people to start with, with 18 so the medivacs hit them harder. I also believe it was trotted out to give lame duck Aubry another advantage seeing as production didn’t like Michele and Tai was drawing dead. They could have easily had a final two instead with all the medivacs but chose to do that stupid twist instead.

I agree they should have gone with a final 2. I wouldn’t necessarily say it was a smaller cast though. There have been more 18 person casts than 20 people casts. I much prefer 18 and am glad they have gone back to it this season. I was getting over the last couple of seasons having their finales at 6 and double boot eps just so they could accommodate 20 people. 18 people should mean no double boots and a final 5 this coming season.

This season has completely lost momentum and just needs to end. Two episodes in a row now we’ve had 30-40mins of “We need to get rid of Locky” only for him to win Immunity and it yo not eventuate. This is what happens when you have so few people, long episodes and no reward challenges. So much filler that leads to nothing… and the preview for the next episode is all about Locky again. He isnt even that interesting or exciting a player to qualify such airtime.

If this was the US it would be the finale with this many people remaining. Instead we have a good 5 hours remaining. Zzzzzz.

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They eventually got rid of Locky, but not after Locky teased the others with an old immunity idol clue and Michelle narrowly won the immunity challenge.
Why did the producers give away a Holden Trailblazer with only four episodes to go in the season? It could have been the consolation prize for the runner up.

Maybe they’ll get one too?

I was relieved to see Locky finally go last night just so I don’t have to hear him say “youse” again. Although I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Tip Rat Tara use youse before too so there’s that to look forward to.

What’s with the challenges the last few episodes. I mean sure their sponsor gave a car away but the challenges themselves have been incredibly dull. Budget cuts reflective of poor ratings?

This season has finished filming in July so nothing to do with ratings. I havent noticed much difference in the challenges, they are pretty similar to the US challenges. Both Mondays and Tuesdays challenges were direct copies to those already done on the US version.

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Had Ten not fallen into administration I reckon the finale would be live. Pre-recording the finale saves money.

Ratings were probably a factor in the decision too. The show is only averaging 550-600k. That doesn’t really make a Live finale worthwhile, especially after the winner announcement there will be a drop off too. I’m not expecting much from our Aussie reunion. Too many contestants for starters.

I’d say that would be more likely the reason why they couldn’t be bothered doing it live. No real benefit.

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