Australian Survivor

Had to go check your spoilers. They weren’t correct… Tarzan went before Brooke.

Probably because of the Coronavirus.

The reunion went way overtime, finishing at 10.24pm.

too bad for the EPG recorders but the Hughesy ep is a repeat anyway.

I just don’t understand how that happens when all of this is prerecorded.


Boring finale. Boring reunion. Boring season . 3 hours was just way too long for a F3 and such a predictable outcome.

Does anyone know though who voted Sharns 1 vote?

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I don’t think it was boring season. There were some really amazing tribal councils. And to say they are boring just seems someone who has already made their mind up on how they wanted to perceive the season. Yes a majority alliance was formed but shouldn’t we as survivor fans acknowledge that that is good game play as well? No it’s probably not great for the viewer who likes to see the underdog win and people flip. But as a survivor fan we should appreciate those great social games as well. I throughly enjoyed the season even though it might not have been as interesting or unpredictable as others

Apparently Mo voted for Sharn

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Apparently it was Mo

I dropped off midway and then only saw the odd bits here and there because it became boring. It’s the first time that I’ve ever not bothered watching most episodes in a season midway. The last two Aus seasons were better than this (season 3 was the best for me). This season just felt like a drag and nothing new. Too many rigged twists, too long, too much focus on certain cast members.

Well that’s good to hear because she seemed a bit bitter towards Sharn on the jury but Sharn was loyal to her till the end.

Definitely a predictable season. The finale didn’t really deliver, we didn’t get the epic 7hr+ final challenge. And I really would have liked to see mo’s final pitch. I think i am too familiar with the editing techniques, with all the chest beating they showed Sharn doing pre-tribal I knew she was going to tank.

I preferred the pre-merge stage this season. Dave Holding onto two idols meant there wasn’t much gameplay to work with. He had the win sealed when booke was voted out and Sharn and mo didn’t take their last opportunity to make a move.

So glad Tarzan put Sharn on the spot like, and surprised Sharn didn’t have an answer prepared. Brooke said it all; Sharn played a game that was destined to come second, she burned too many bridges on the jury.

And at the reunion, it was clear phoebe has still not forgiven Dave over that betrayal. Can’t say I blame her, she never did anything that wrong to deserve the way he treated her.


Ah this is what I hate about the Australian version!!! And Australians mentality in survivor. You are playing survivor the object is to outwit, outplay and outlast. Being bitter is just being a sore loser. Which is the Australian way. Sharn actually played a better game. She lied to every single one of them. And that got her to the final 2. They should have voted for her. But in the true Australian way they were bitter that they put her there.

It was a great season but with a predictable finish. The final vote was 8-1 in David’s favour. There were plenty of brilliant physical challenges and blindsides.
This season will be remembered for two first: Sharn for becoming the first Australian contestant staying in camp for 100 days, and David for being the first Australian contestant to hold two hidden immunity idols at the same time.


The tribe has spoken on Australian Survivor: All Stars

The votes have been tallied and Australian Survivor: All Stars is a winner.

Australian Survivor: All Stars lifted 10’s timeslot audience by 49% compared to the same nights in 2019, including an 84% increase among under 50s.

This year’s thrilling season reached 6.05 million people, or one third of the population. Its broadcast video on-demand (BVOD) audience this season lifted 7% year-on-year.

ViacomCBS Australia and New Zealand chief content officer and EVP, Beverley McGarvey, said: “We took a big swing introducing Australian Survivor in the first quarter when audiences were so used to watching it over the winter months.

“It was a risk that paid off. We have seen year-on-year audience share growth every single week in 2020 driven, in large part, by Australian Survivor: All Stars .”

Here’s a snapshot of how Australian Survivor: All Stars performed:

  • National total average audience (including 7 day television BVOD): 1.01 million.
  • Capital city total average audience: 814,000.
  • National television average audience : 922,000.
  • Capital city television average audience : 719,000.
  • 10 Play (7 day BVOD) average audience : 87,000.

During its run, Australian Survivor: All Stars got tribes talking, as one of the most engaging entertainment shows across social media. Australian Survivor: All Stars achieved 992,000 total social interactions on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, according to Nielsen Social Content Ratings.

In the key advertising demographics, Australian Survivor: All Stars rose to the occasion, lifting 10’s timeslot audience substantially year-on-year, compared to the same nights in 2019.

  • Under 50s: Up 84%.
  • 25 to 54s: Up 88%.
  • 16 to 39s: Up 105%.
  • 18 to 49s: Up 94%.

Beverley said: “We are really proud of this season and how it has improved our ratings at the start of the year. This season really gained momentum across its run, achieving its highest audiences as it neared its finale.

“I’d like to congratulate David on being crowned the sole Survivor. He played a phenomenal game in an hotly contested season.

“To produce such a fantastic season takes hard work, determination and creativity. I’d like to thank all the All Stars for returning and playing hard from start to finish, our brilliant production partners Endemol Shine Australia, our host Jonathan LaPaglia and everyone at 10 for their tireless efforts in bringing this season to life,” she said.

Network 10’s head of 10 Effect, Tamar Hovagimian, said: “Australian Survivor continues to deliver results for our clients. A big thank you to ahm, Bundaberg Brewed Drinks, Menulog and Canadian Club for their support in bringing this season to life. We really enjoyed collaborating with you and would not have achieved the success we did without you.”

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And now we can expect Survivor to stay in that slot next year. Albeit, it probably won’t be another all stars season (Blood vs Water or Heroes vs Villains) with the current covid-19 issues and limitations.

I just really hope 10 can find a comatiable show to air alongside it. Whether that is The Amazing Race or a new/refreshed format like The Apprentice.

I was thinking last night if 10 were to look at doing The Apprentice how good would Janine Allis be as the ‘boss’. Think about Woman empowerment there. Could really take the show in a different direction and she is quite a likable figure to the public.

Now would actually be the perfect time for 10 to do The Circle cos it’s local and literally involves putting the contestants in isolation.


Only issue is the house situation. I would say a local production would use the UK house rather than creating their own as it would save costs. But I agree if they did just do it from Australia it would be the perfect time to do it.

Aimee Stanton, who competed on season 4 of Australian Survivor (same season as Tarzan, Locky and winner Jericho) and was the fifth person voted out, is competing in the new season of House Rules.

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Neither did Shane, Jericho, Henry, Lydia and AK, Although he was on the Jury. Michelle and Nick barely chat during the Reunion.