I’m at Charlestown, my building is at a slightly higher elevation than Highpoint, so even though I am only 6 floors up, I am still 138 M ASL, with a perfect LOS south… Even on a clear day, I can see the Wyrrabalong hill upon which the Wyong DTV transmitters are on without binoculars, which is 53 kms away.
My building runs SW-NE, and it’s quite long, which means it’s difficult to get signals from the north.
No wonder you obtain such great results to the south. I would like to test an 8 element Yagi from your location, though I know it’s probably impossible to put one up on the roof. Do you have access to a balcony? Other enthusiasts have rested 3 element Yagis on strategically positioned tables outside of their apartment, with fairly good results.
A 3 element Yagi would provide much more gain than a simple set of rabbit ears. The hierarchy of antennae is roughly this:
Whip antenna (negative gain)
Rabbit ears (negative gain, a little better than a simple whip)
Dipole (0 dB gain, the ‘reference’ antenna. Will yield good results when conditions are suitable).
3 element Yagi (several dB gain over dipole. The minimum requirement for exotic FM reception such as double hop E-skip and long distance tropo).
8 element Yagi (several dB gain over 3 el Yagi, but not as much as 3 el Yagi>dipole. Recommended antenna for serious FM DX).
15 element Korner Yagi (state of the art, several dB gain over 8 element Yagi, will readily pick up very weak signals such as pirate FM stations via E-skip. Recommended in rural areas. However, overload will probably be experienced in metro listening areas).
Live not far from the 3RN/3LO transmitter in Melbourne; the two harmonics on 1242 (3RN) and 1548 (3LO) are stronger than the signal from the other main AM stations
That’s not a harmonic thought, that’s a phantom image, there used to be a strong one in Newcastle for the same reason, it’s still there but not as strong, It has been discussed in here before.
It’s due to a sum of the difference between 2 of the ABC frequencies, there’ll actually be 2 of them, one will project an image of the upper frequency station & one will project an image of the lower frequency station.
I can get one on 1404 kHz from where I am. 1152 kHz shows up on some receivers, too. The Prestons beasties are super strong here due to a total riparian path in that direction.