Start with the main problem first. The weather graphics. Horrendous.
Barely able to be read. Obviously constructed by a moron, as no one else would think to make visual information like that in TV graphics so minuscule. These require an IMMEDIATE update.
The finance graphics. Cleaner, but at the expense of intelligence. The currencies are harder to read for example, with descriptive rather than visual indicators.
The polished sets do not match the look of these graphics at all.
As for the 7pm theme - yeah, I don’t mind it - I think I like it only because it is one thing which reminds me of the previous package. It’s a downgrade in any case - less authoritative, and sounds confused. The 2010/11 theme was much stronger - the mid-break bumper for example was quite weak.
For the state 7pm bulletins, I would have liked the local imagery retained in the openers. It gives the bulletin a sense of place. If not, I don’t mind the incorporation of imagery from the day’s headlines.
However, I hate the generic imagery that we got in WA tonight for some reason, in contrast to what I see here from Victoria. As typical with many international left-wing TV organisations, such as ITV in the UK, these contain patronising, patriarchal images of children from minority ethnicities. Nothing to do with news at all, or the location of the bulletin. Corny, cliche, dated.
As for the date incorporated in the openers, I like the little twist. We shouldn’t use unneeded criticism of this extra bonus however to bully people into thinking other very legitimate criticisms of this package are not warranted.
I don’t watch ABC Breakfast but from what I see here - an absolute mess.
Graphics are used to convey information. When they don’t convey information, they’re a big fat fail. No matter how swish or updated you think they look.
Well of course they do, lol. No one is going to be ranting and raving in front of the Sydney ABC studios in 10 months time about graphics on the news.
Oh how I hate this sort of cliche, Aussie tin-ear to criticism attitude.