ABC News Presenters and Reporters

There will be 3 studies all together.

The news studio will have an open window for the public to view. ABC News Victoria, ABC News Breakfast, Insiders, Offsiders, The World, will all broadcast from this studio. And yes its more than double the size of the current ABV News studio.

There will be two production studios (One as you mentions 800 sqm) for live variety/drama productions, and a second smaller studio for ABC2/3 productions.

Tamara presented last night. Looks like his leave has been extended.

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Tamara also presenting tonight.

Hendo back tomorrow.

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Paul Higgins is presenting ABC News VIC tonight

Bit of a merry-go-round of presenters in Victoria recently, weather presenter Paul Higgins doing the news tonight.

Does anyone know when Francis Bell is returning from maternity leave?

Paul Higgins presenting Victorian bulletin again tonight.

Guy Stayner wearing glasses for the first time presenting a bulletin?!

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Guy Stayner presenting Friday night and Weekend bulletins in Victoria.

He wears glasses when he reports I’m pretty sure.

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Guy Stayner presented Friday - Sunday.

Guy Stayner presenting Good Friday bulletin and Weekend bulletins & Easter Monday in Victoria.

Guy presenting the weather!

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Guy Stayner presented in Victoria last night and Tamara Oudyn returned tonight.

Special Port Arthur annivaersary coverage:

Thursday 28 April
12:00pm AEST Port Arthur 20th Anniversary Memorial Service

Tasmania Only
7:00pm ABC News Special: Remembering Port Arthur

A major audio sync issue with the NSW 7pm lead story tonight (on the Football stadium funding announcement).

It wasn’t just slightly out - more like about 10 seconds out (the audio was behind the vision).

Naturally the report ended with incomplete audio.

Presenter Nicole Chettle apologised for the issue afterwards.

All other reports were fine.

Paul Higgins presented Friday & Saturday in Victoria.Tamara returned on Sunday.

ABC Budget Coverage

The 2016 Federal Budget will be handed down on Tuesday May 3 and the ABC has the most comprehensive, independent coverage on TV, iview, radio, online and on mobile.

We’ll have the first interviews with Treasurer Scott Morrison and Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen, as well as the best analysis and expert commentary from the ABC’s leading political and business teams.

What’s the state of the nation’s finances in this election year? And what does Budget 2016 mean for you? Know the numbers, the politics and the impact with ABC News.

Monday 2 May – BUDGET EVE
Four Corners
Home Truths: What happened to the Great Australian Dream?
8.30pm on ABC & iview
On the eve of the budget, Ben Knight reports on the white hot issues of housing affordability and negative gearing and the generation left wondering if they will ever own their own home.

9.35pm on ABC, plus simulcast live at 9.35pm AEST on iview, ABC NewsRadio & on ABC News 24 (SA, NT, WA only)
On the eve of Treasurer Scott Morrison’s first budget, we ask: Is our political system up to the challenges of the 21st Century?
Joining host Tony Jones on the Q&A panel will be: Essayist George Megalogenis, who says stalled reform and failing infrastructure could make Australia the next victim of globalisation; American journalist and politics veteran James Fallows; Political editor of the Australian Financial Review Laura Tingle; Executive Director of the NewDemocracy Foundation Iain Walker, who believes the coming election won’t solve our problems; and journalist and broadcaster turned State Cabinet Minister Pru Goward.

Tuesday 3 May – BUDGET DAY
TELEVISION – ABC, ABC News 24 & iview
5.30pm on ABC & iview / 6.30pm AEST on ABC News 24
As the press gallery bunkers down in the budget media lock-up, The Drum host Julia Baird and a panel of experts will count down to Budget 2016 and preview what to expect.

7pm on ABC & iview
The news of the day and the lead up to the Federal Treasurer’s Budget speech.

7:30pm AEST on ABC, ABC News 24 & iview
ABC will deliver uninterrupted coverage and first-rate analysis and commentary from Australia’s top political and business journalists and commentators.
Leigh Sales hosts the ABC News Budget 2016 special with Political Editor Chris Uhlmann live from Parliament House in Canberra on ABC TV, ABC News 24 and iview.

Following the 7pm ABC News bulletin, at 7.30pm AEST the Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison will deliver his first Federal Budget speech live from the House of Representatives.
Immediately after his speech, the Treasurer will join Leigh Sales for his first interview of the night, followed by the response from the Opposition’s Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen.

The ABC’s Barrie Cassidy, Annabel Crabb, Sabra Lane and Greg Jennett will examine the politics. ABC Business Editor Ian Verrender, Alan Kohler and George Megalogenis, one of Australia’s leading economic and political commentators, will explore the business and economic breakdown of who are the winners and losers this year.

The coverage will also include reaction from economist Chris Richardson, Cassandra Goldie from the Australian Council of Social Services and Jennifer Westacott, Chief Executive of the Business Council of Australia.

The extended Budget 2016 coverage will continue with Leigh Sales and Chris Uhlmann on ABC News 24 & iview from 8.40-9.30pm AEST. This special extended broadcast will include interviews with Greens Leader Richard Di Natale and Independent Senator Nick Xenophon. There will be a full recap of the Budget’s key points as well as further analysis about how it affects you in this election year.

9.30pm AEST on ABC News 24 & iview / 10.30pm on ABC & iview
Lateline will be hosted by Emma Alberici live from Canberra and will feature interviews with Finance Minister Mathias Cormann and Shadow Finance Minister Tony Burke.
We’ll have analysis from economist Saul Eslake and further commentary from Australia’s top political journalists.

10.30pm AEST on ABC News 24 & later on ABC
Join us for a special half hour Budget night special, hosted by Ticky Fullerton. What segments of society will be most affected? What are the initial impressions? What is the political spin from the parties?

ABC will offer extensive coverage on budget night on ABC Local Radio, RN and ABC NewsRadio.

7.30-9.00pm AEST on ABC Local Radio & RN
Presented by Eleanor Hall in Canberra, with Treasurer Scott Morrison’s budget address live at 7.30pm AEST followed by interviews with the Treasurer Scott Morrison, Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen, ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie, Jennifer Westacott (BCA), Innes Willox (AIG), John Daley (Grattan Institute) and economist Stephen Antony, and analysis from ABC Economics Correspondent Stephen Long.

From 7.30pm AEST
ABC NewsRadio will broadcast the Treasurer’s 2016 Federal Budget speech live. This will be followed by Glen Bartholomew with updates on the Budget response and ABC NewsRadio’s rolling news service.

The ABC News Digital team will have the most comprehensive online detail of the impact of the Budget on all Australians.
For all the latest news leading up to Budget night, follow the stories and analysis with full Budget 2016 coverage here.

You can find out what we know so far, check out our helpful resource to decode budget jargon, as well as a useful summary on what things to watch out for on budget night.

On the night, watch the Treasurer’s speech at 7.30pm (AEST) live-streamed here, as well as following News Digital’s live blog, tracking every minute as it happens, with all the reaction and details.
As well as full news coverage, ABC News Digital will “slice and dice” the Budget for you and feature the Winners and Losers interactive – with detailed key points for each sector, including what it means for health, education, defence and infrastructure.

The ABC Fact Check team will be going through the Treasurer’s speech as it is delivered and The Drum will feature analysis and opinion pieces from Barrie Cassidy, Annabel Crabb and some of the country’s leading thinkers and writers, offering diverse and thought-provoking perspectives on every aspect of the Federal Budget.

With designated journalists in the Budget lock-up, ABC Rural remains the central point for regional Australians to learn how the Budget will impact them. Industry-specific coverage will feature on the ABC Rural portal at:
Wednesday May 4

Wednesday 4 May
6.00am on ABC & iview / 6.00am AEST on ABC News 24
News Breakfast will broadcast live from the front lawn of Parliament House in Canberra on the morning of Wednesday 4 May
Hosted by Virginia Trioli and Michael Rowland, the program will feature key interviews with senior figures from both sides of politics as well as the crossbench.
Virginia and Michael will put a spotlight on the key announcements and the reaction to these measures from stakeholders and voters through our own audience feedback.
We’ll also have analysis from ABC’s Barrie Cassidy (Insiders) looking at the political implications as both sides begin the long campaign to the Federal Election.

7.10am on RN / 8am on ABC Local Radio
Michael Brissenden hosts an AM Budget 2016 special, with expert commentary, analysis and special guests.

12.30pm on ABC & iview / 12.30pm AEST on ABC News 24
Live from the Great Hall at Parliament House Canberra, Treasurer Scott Morrison presents his post-budget address to the National Press Club.

Thursday 5 May
7.30pm AEST on ABC, ABC News 24, iview, ABC NewsRadio, ABC Local Radio
Live on television, radio and online, ABC presents the Budget 2016 Right of Reply by the Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.

8.00pm AEST on ABC & iview / 8.00pm AEST on ABC News 24 & iview
Following the Budget Right of Reply, Leigh Sales hosts 7.30.

Sunday 8 May
9am on ABC & iview / 9am AEST on ABC News 24
Host Barrie Cassidy and a panel of Australia’s top political journalists – including George Megalogenis, the Financial Review’s Laura Tingle and the West Australian’s Andrew Probyn – will help make sense of the events of Budget week. How do the Treasurer’s Budget and the Opposition’s Budget Reply set each party up for the approaching Federal Election?

I notice this will be the first time the Treasurer’s Budget speech won’t be shown live on the main channel in WA. In the past, the speech was shown live at 5.30pm WA time, followed by normal programs at 6pm, news at 7pm and the Budget special at 7.30pm. Next Tuesday, WA viewers must tune into ABC News 24 to watch the speech and the analysis live or wait until 7.30pm on the main channel for the replay.